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我最重要的人 英语作文

2020-09-28 23:35:01

我最重要的人 英语作文 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 我最重要的人 英语作文 LV 2013 04 16 100字左右 满意答案LV2013 04 17我的爸爸 如果有人问我最喜欢的人是谁?那么我的爸爸是当之无愧的。因为和他在一起,快乐总是陪伴着我,所有的烦恼都会烟消云散。 就说早上起床吧,虽然我已经穿好了衣服,可我还是迷迷糊糊的,总想往床上躺。爸爸见了笑着走过来,把我从床上拉起来,笑呵呵的说:“怎么,还要当被窝‘团长’呀?抽抽你的懒筋就好了。”说着就胳肢起我来,我“扑哧”一声笑了出来,一边拍着爸爸的背,一边笑着责怪他:“你真坏,你真坏”。这时,爸爸早已爽朗的笑了。 中午,爸爸回家后第一句就要问:“婷婷回来了没有?”只要一见到我,就两手往后面一背,迈着京剧里的舞台步,用京腔笑眯眯地对我说:“饿坏我了,速拿饭来与我同吃。”于是我们就在快乐中进餐。 下午,当我背着沉甸甸的书包一到家门时,感到又累又烦。可是一推开门,发现爸爸早就在门口等着我了,见我一回来,他一手接过我的书包,两脚用力一并,一低头,像个日本人似的冲我说一句:“辛苦了,我的大大的为你效劳!”然后抬起头,傻呵呵的看着我。我被他的模样逗乐了,心里的烦恼早就跑到九霄云外去了,不禁一下子扑到爸爸的怀里,搂着他的脖子,在他耳边悄声说:“你真好,爸爸!” 这就是我的爸爸,是他给了我幸福的生活。 My father If someone asked my favorite Who Then my father is a well deserved. Because with him, happiness is always accompanied me, all your worries will disappear. Said the morning to get up it, although I have Chuanhao the clothes, can I still Mimihuhu, always want to lie down to the bed. Dad met with a smile come over and pull me from the bed, the Xiaohe He said: "how, but also when Piwo head ah pumped out of your tendons like a lazy. "Speak from the Gezhi I, I, "Puchi" A laugh out of the side Paizhe fathers back, side to blame him with a smile: "Do you really bad, you really bad." At this time, the father has been Shuanglang laughed. At noon, the father returned home after the first one to ask: "Tingting had not come back "As soon as I saw on both hands to the back of a back, Maizhuo in the Peking Opera stage further, by Jing Qiang Xiao Mimi and said to me: "I Ehuai, the speed with rice to eat with me." So we in the happy meal. Afternoon, when I was carrying a heavy bag to the house, Youlei You feel bored. But an open door and found his father long ago at the gate waiting for me, I see a come back, he single handedly take over my bags, two forced together, a bow, like a Japanese like, I say: "Hard, my great is here to help you!" And then raised his head, Shahe Hes looking at me. I was his appearance Doule, long ago went to the heart of the troubles to the Cloud Nine, can not help all of a sudden Pudao fathers arms, Louzhe his neck, in his ears Qiao Sheng said: "s nice you, Dad " This is my father, he has given me a happy life.89 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题



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