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英语作文 我家的规矩 包括我的看法

2020-09-29 00:25:01

我的家规及看法我家有许多的家规,下面我就为大家来介绍一下.第一,要主动向长辈问好,不能对他们不礼貌,要彼此尊重家里的每一个成员.子女不干涉大人的事情,大人不能偷看子女的信件,日记等等.第二,孩子必须听家长的话,不准玩电脑时间过长,每隔30分钟必须休息并且做眼保健操,然后眺望远处.第三,至少每个星期开一次家庭会议,把生活中的误会,争吵,以和平的方式和解.我认为,以上的家规可以让家人感到轻松,温暖,可以依靠.把小事化解,让家庭充满阳关与快乐.The rules and I thinkMy home have many rules,below I will for you to introduce.First,we must take the initiative to say hello to their elders,notimpolite,should respect each member of the family.Children not to interfere in what adults,adults cant peek at their childrens letters,diaries and so on.Second,children must listen to parents words,dont play computer too long,every 30 minutes to rest and do eye exercises,and then the distance.Third,at least every week to open a family meeting,the life of amisunderstanding,quarrel,in a peaceful way of reconciliation.I think the above rules can let the family feel relaxed,warm,can rely on.Put things to resolve,let the family filled with sunshine and happiness.把英文隔开点会让LL好看一点,毕竟英语太晕乎,么么哒~



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