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一篇英语作文学校生活是丰富多彩的英语角兴趣小组运动会校园艺术节一个个开展 英语学

2020-09-29 00:35:01


求一篇英语作文急!写校园生活是丰富多彩的也是令人难忘的提示1学校有树木花草很多,空气很新鲜2校园生活趣味多,与同学一起学习,打球和唱歌,彼此相处融洽3老师和蔼,同学互助,课外 作业帮****** 我把作文给你翻译下,希望对你有用,不够的补充.我的校园生活是丰富多彩的,它令我终身难忘.我们学校有很多花草树木,有假山,有荷花池塘,校园里的空气很新鲜,尤其是早晨的时候,校园里散发着花香.校园的活动很多,同学们一...

急求一篇”怎样使我们的校园生活丰富多彩”的英语作文,大一水平的! 作业帮****** Being in the college should be regarded as the best time of the life for the young people .The campus life should be treasured since it is enjoyed mostly by the young....

一篇英语作文学校生活是丰富多彩的英语角兴趣小组运动会校园艺术节一个个开展****** there are english corner, arts festival on campus.;t play the piano and draw some pictures.i can , interest group.., sports meet.i can . i can sing and dance. i can read stories and speak english.school is wonderful.;t play football

多姿多彩的学校生活英语作文! ****** My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class.

英语作文:丰富多彩的学校生活60ZiWhatdoyouthingkofyourschoollife?Why?Whatkindsofactivitiesdoesyourschooloftenhold? 作业帮****** I like my school life. We always have a lot of interesting activities, and students can always learn a lot from that. We have drama plays, singing contests, English speech ...

有什么英语校园作文要有丰富多彩的校园生活****** My school lifeMy school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground ...

写一篇如何丰富大学生活的英语作文 ****** 碎花搬的流年已在脚步间流逝,我已告别了童年,迈着轻盈的脚步踏入了中学大门.不知不觉中,我已经与着充满欢声笑语的校园生活了2个月,成长中,我多了一份自信.周三的公开课,我展现出了我的真正风采,同时我获得了一份我已失去...

请帮我写一篇有关于学校生活的英语作文 ****** My school life I am going to shool from Monday to Friday,and every day in school I am very busy.In the morning,I have four lessons,and in the afternoon I have three lessons.Of course I take two hours to go home for lunch.And we begin classes at 2:30...

英语作文最近学校开展了丰富多彩的校园聊书 ****** I go to school at half past seven every morning. 我每天早上7点半上学.When i get to school, i have to do the cleaning with my classmates. 当我回到学校的时候,我要和我的同学一起做值日.After that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in ...

我们的校园生活真是丰富多彩用英语翻译****** our school is a new boarding school, big and beautiful. very modern. i ve never seen such a good school with 1,000 students, 150 teachers. they treat us and strict and friendly, their classroom lively and interesting, colorful campus life, and i love our school.如感觉不错还望点击采纳.

一篇英语作文学校生活是丰富多彩的英语角兴趣小组运动会校园艺术节一个个开展 英语学校学习培训



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