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2020-09-29 01:20:01

繁星春水Love the ink read "The Stars Spring" felt With love there is everything, read the famous words of Bing Xins grandmother, I feel one after another, like a long time Winter vacation, I read Bing Xins grandmothers "The Stars Spring." The book are different kinds of essays, focused on the familys love, human love, the love of nature and childrens Acura, the prose is like a philosophy of love, nourish our hearts and purify our hearts. Fragmented reading these articles, so I have Qinren heart, fresh warm feeling. Reading reading, I seem to smell a fragrance. Oh, that love the scent of ink that comes out of ink. I devoured this book, which I benefited from this sentence: "the success of flowers, people only admire her surprise present vivid colors! But she had the bud, soaked struggle Leiquan, Sabian a the expense of a shower of blood. " This impassioned words, so I learned a lot. People always say: xxx really great scientists have invented so many things to bring convenience to our lives. However, we do not see they had not been optimistic about the experiment, those contemptuous eyes, mocking words have deeply hurt the scientists, but they disregard these, and finally, by their share of the dedication, to prove his strength, but also to tell things as long as human beings who reach through the efforts will eventually succeed. I sincerely admire the spirit of perseverance, hard process. Words of wisdom like this book, there are a lot of wisdom language. I think "The Stars Spring" This book is like a beacon to guide our journey forward, purification of the mind; like an experts guidance, let us know how sublime; like the mother of caution, so that We feel at home. Bing Xins grandmother deep love long time to warm us, she will always live forever in our soul. 爱的笔墨——读《繁星·春水》有感 有了爱就有了一切,读完冰心奶奶的这句名言,我心情此起彼伏,想了许久······ 利用寒假,我读了冰心奶奶的《繁星·春水》。书里,都是不同题材的散文,集中于对亲情之爱、人类之爱、大自然之爱以及儿童的讴歌,这些散文就像是爱的哲学,滋润着我们心田,净化着我们的心灵。读着这些零零散散的文章,使我有了沁人肺腑、清新温暖的感觉。 读着读着,我仿佛闻到一阵清香。哦,那是爱的笔墨散发出来的墨香。我一口气读完这本书,其中这句话让我受益匪浅:“成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。” 这慷慨激昂的文字,让我领悟了很多很多。人们总说:xxx科学家真伟大,发明了这么多东西,给我们生活带来方便。然而,大家却看不到他们当初做的实验不被人看好,那些轻蔑的眼神、嘲讽的话语都曾深深地刺痛着科学家们,但他们把这些都抛在了脑后,终于,通过自己的那份执着,证明了自己的实力,也告诉人类那些遥不可及的事只要通过努力,终会成功。我由衷地赞叹这份执着的精神、努力的过程。像这样的智言慧语书中还有很多。 我认为《繁星·春水》这本书就像是一盏明灯,指引着我们前进的路程,净化心灵;就像是一位高人的指点,让我们懂得真善美;就像是妈妈的叮咛,让我们倍感亲切。 冰心奶奶浓浓的爱意久久地温暖着我们,她也永远永远活在我们心灵深处。



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