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2020-09-29 01:35:01

Part 1 常用句型 一、 同位语 例1:我是学生会主席李华。 I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union. 例2:我是育才中学学生会主席李华。 I am Li Hua, the leader of the Students Union of Yucai Middle School. 二、 I am writing to… 例1:代表团委会邀请您担任演讲比赛的评委。 I am writing, on behalf of the Youth League of our school, to invite you to be a judge of our English Speech Contest, which is part of the celebration of Youth Day. 例2: 作为学生会主席,我邀请您担任6月15日英语演讲比赛的评委。 As chairman of the Students Union, I am writing to invite you to be a judge of our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. 三、I would like to 例1:代表学校向你表达我们的热烈欢迎。 On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you. 例2. 我想了解一下这件事情。 I would like to know something more about it. 四、被动语态常用句型 例1:期待每个人都参与到活动中来。 Everyone is expected to be part of it./ Everyone is expected to take part in it. 例2:每个人都应该做一点贡献。 Everyone is supposed to do his share of contribution. 例3:因此,我强烈建议采取有效措施制止类似行为。 Therefore, I strongly propose that some effective measures should be taken to stop such behavior. 例 4:首先,应该颁布法律确保人们不再破坏环境。 First, certain laws should be passed to ensure people won’t damage the environment. 五 强调句式 例1:助动词 do 1.如果想了解更多,请告诉我! Do let me know if you need further information./ if you want to know more. 2. 考虑到我的经验,我相信我是你们的最佳人选。我真心希望自己(的申请)可以被接受! Considering my rich experience, I believe I am your best choice. I do hope I can be accepted. 例2:it is/was…that 1. 人类活动导致江豚濒危。 It is because of human activity that finless porpoise are endangered. 2. 规则无法确保社会规范,关键在于人们必须遵守规则。 Rules alone don’t secure an orderly society. It is the people who obey the rules that matter. 3. As the saying goes, it is the little thing that matters. 4. It is not the story but what is reflected in the story that counts. 六 with/without 结构 例1:with/without +n. 1.With my great efforts, they all became my best friends and tended to take great interest in China. 2.With good academic performance and sufficient practical experience, I feel I am the right person you are looking for. 3.Without hesitation, I decided to join them and we did have a good time. 4.Never could I have done it without your help. 例2:with/without +n.+ v ing/ V ed/ to do 1.With English getting popular in both media and daily life, a Chinese dictionary has included 239 of them, leaving the public divided into two opposite groups: “For” and “Against”. 2.With more and more forests damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out. 3.With a guide to show us around the scenic spots, were sure to have a good time. 4. We all feel excited with so many places of interest to visit. 七 、V ing/ V ed/ to do 1 . Knowing that you are selecting some students to volunteer to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English, I am writing to apply for the opportunity. //Having won several oral and written English prizes, I am sure I could be helpful. 2. We stood around, watching attentively. 3.There will be a meeting, starting later on Sunday to review the film. 4. Bathed in the sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy. 5. Moved by his words, I praised him for his deeds. 6. Located at the crossing of Minzu South Street and Xiuye Road, Seasonal Garden is the best community I would like to recommend to you. 7. To complete the program needs much efforts. 8. The meeting to be held tomorrow is of great importance. 八、独立主格结构 1.Generally/Honestly/Frankly speaking, the rule is very easy to understand. 2.Considering all these factors, the match has to be put off./Taking all these factors into account, the match has to be put off. 3.Wheather permitting, we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 九、副词 1.From my point of view, undoubtedly, these improper and awful behaviors do great harm to the image of our school as well as have bad influence on our environment. 2.Additionally, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!



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