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父母对我的教育My Parents’ Education on Me

2020-09-29 01:40:01

父母对我的教育My Parents’ Education on Me 2018 10 28 阅读 : 333 次 I am the only child in my family, nowadays, people have the bad impression on the only child, they think the only child is spoiled by the parents, so they get bad temper and count on the parents so much. While I am not one of them, my parents are very strict to me, they never spoil me, when I make the mistake, they will tell me what the result will be which is caused by my mistake, so that I know I do the wrong thing and won’t do that again. My parents pay special attention to my independence, they will ask me to do the thing alone, sometimes they only teach me how to finish, but never give me a hand. To my parents’ education, at first, I feel they are unfair to me, but as I grow up, I am so thankful to them, they help me become a strong person. 在我的家庭里,我是独生子,如今,人们对独生子的印象很不好,他们觉得独生子被父母宠爱着,因此他们脾气不好,还很依赖父母。然而我和他们不同,我的父母对我很严格,他们从来不溺爱我,当我犯错误,他们会告诉我我的错误会造成的后果,这样我就知道自己做错了事,下次再也不犯这样的错误了。我的父母很注重我的独立性,他们会叫我去独立做事情,有时候他们只教我怎么去完成,但是从来不帮助我。对于父母的教育,刚开始,我觉得他们对我不公平,但是随着我长大,我很感激他们,他们帮助我成长为一个坚强的人。



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