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短文写作。一张照片 一个故事 一段美好的时光。请你用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文和

2020-09-29 02:05:01

答案:解析: I have a lot of photos.Whenever I look at these pictures I will think of the days that have passed.One of the most important photos was taken nearly 8 years ago when I was only 6 years old. This picture was taken in front of my grandparents’ old house.There is a tall tree near the house.The house looks old but clean very small but lovely.In this picture my grandparents are sitting in the middle.My father and mother are standing behind them.I am sitting on my grandmas laps.There is a big smile on our faces. The old house was pulled down a few years ago.Many new buildings and roads have been built up since then.And we have moved into a new apartment.I have grown up but I still remember the old days.I miss the old house the kind neighbors and the kids that I played with in the yard.The picture always reminds me of the happy days in the old house.

短文写作。一张照片 一个故事 一段美好的时光。请你用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文和大家一起分享照片背后的故事。内容包括:1.拍照的时间 地点;2.照片中



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