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有谁可以帮我写一篇英语作文 描述自己刚进去大学这一学期你学到了什么.要求100字左右

2020-09-29 02:50:01

My school life of the first semester Time flies! Up to now ,i have being in colledge for half of the whole new term . I gained a lot on both my courses and life skills.For one thing , i get to konw many fresh people of diffrient majors and grades. Meanwhile , by taking a variety of combo activities ,people of the same age or of the same intrests can inact with each other about the same hobby,which of course can build up ourselves.For another, on the studing aspect ,i acquire futher knowledges on English and computer. However,colledge life is not pefectly colourful without any weakness.Instead,there remains a series of uncomfortable respects.

有谁可以帮我写一篇英语作文 描述自己刚进去大学这一学期你学到了什么.要求100字左右.自由发挥.作业帮



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