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2020-09-29 03:20:02

No one is perfect in the world, and even find people who havent made a mistake. A committed a fault, usually self examination, but some people just verbally say casually, perfunctory, but didnt go to practice practice and then reflect on what use So a person not only to learn, more to make mistakes to reflect, review, and really do it.Do the wrong thing to reflect upon, that what to reflect on those things We can to find from the little things of everyday life. As usual when treats people is kind and polite Whether their feet on the ground to study whether serious aspirant... .. Etc. If you can do that, it will continue to maintain, if cant do, to humbly ask others. Absorb others strengths, improve their own shortcomings, so you are not perfect, at least there are altogether nine beauty!!!!世界上没有一个人十全十美,更找不到没犯过错的人.一个人犯了过错,通常都会自我反省,但有些人只是口头上随便说说,敷衍了事,却没去躬行实践,那反省又有什麼用呢 所以一个人不但要会学习做人,更要会犯错时自己反省,检讨,并确实的做到.做错事要反省,那到底要反省那些事呢 我们可以从日常生活的一些小事中去发现.像平常时待人是否亲切有礼 做事是否脚踏实地 求学是否认真上进 …..等.如果可以做的到,那就要继续保持,如果做不到的话,就要虚心的请教别人.吸收别人的长处,改进自己的缺点,这样的话你没有十全十美,至少也有十全九美吧!



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