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英语作文关于自我展示\自我表现和谦虚有人说现代社会就是善于表现自己 展示自我

2020-09-29 05:10:01

Modesty谦虚Modesty is one of the many qualities that cross century young people should possess.It makes you foresee your imperfections.It gives you the impetus to go forward.Most important of all,it makes you accessible and creates favorable conditions for you in interpersonal contacts.However,many young people do not seem to realize the importance of modesty.Some of them just feel satisfied with a little success,without the slightest desire to make further progress.Others have too high an opinion of themselves,totally ignoring other people s suggestions and advice.Consequently,their immodesty often drives them up against the wall.Worst of all,immodesty takes many young people away from their colleagues and friends.Therefore they find fewer people with whom they can confide.For you to be modest,the first thing to do is to have a full understanding of your deficiencies.No matter who you are and no matter how talented you are,you are unlikely to be all powerful.In fact,you will always,in spite of your talents,find things about which you feel helpless.Besides,you should also admit other peoples strong points and try your best to learn from them.If you keep these two points in mind,you are on the right path to developing modesty.

英语作文关于自我展示自我表现和谦虚有人说现代社会就是善于表现自己 展示自我.而也有人认为谦虚是一种美德

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  1. 2021-09-26 05:10云开见日[台湾省网友]IP:2416705862
  2. 2020-06-13 21:55木海云殇[湖北省网友]IP:3706138309


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