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英语作文:马云 一个成功的人

2020-09-29 05:15:01

Jack Ma, a successful man Jack Ma, the Alibaba group chairman of the board of directors. Born on September 10, 1964 in China. He is best known as one of the Asias richest man. And he founded the biggest enterprise named Alibaba. Jack Ma is a brave man. In 1988, Jack Ma graduated from Hangzhou normal university, got a Bachelor of arts degree. And became a lecturer in English and international trade. Then he set up a English corner around the west lake. Soon, he became a little famous and founded a translation agency named Hai Bo Translation agency. Jack Ma is a far sighted person. He was interested in the Internet in 1994, when his translation agency started making money. He gave up his work, and readied to start his business about internet. He set up the first internet business company in April, 1995, which only had three workers, Jack Ma, his wife and Yibing He. In march,1999, he founded the Alibaba group. Today, the Alibaba has been one of the most famous company. Right now, you may be enjoying the great convenience of buying things all over the world on Taobao internet. Much of convenience comes from Jack Ma s enthusiasm toward work. I think he is one of the most successful entrepreneurs.



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