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考研英语作文必备素材——闪光词 句!!!

2020-09-29 05:25:01

众所周知,考研英语作文占到总分的30%,是冲刺阶段复习的重中之重。而单词、语法又是写作的基础,作文写不出来很大一部分原因就是基础不好,不会措辞谋篇,但如果一篇作文中又全是简单词、简单句的话,会让自己的文章看起来平淡无奇,既不能让阅卷老师眼前一亮又显得自己的水平很 Low,作文自然无法得高分。所以,本文给童鞋们提供了大量的闪光词、句——高分作文一定是单词闪光,句子优美,希望能帮助对考研作文茫然失措、不知如何下手的小伙伴在写作部分取得高分。一、闪光词替换单词闪光是任何高分作文必备的特征!1、单词替换(1)very → extremely ad. 极端地;非常,很(2)important → vital/essential a. 至关重要的(3)most important → fundamental a. 最根本的,最重要的(4)be better than → be superior to a. 比......好的/强的(5)good point → merit n. 优点,长处,优势(6)great → considerable a. 相当大(或多)的/dramatic a. 剧烈的(7)problem → disadvantage n. 不利,劣势(8)clear → obvious/apparent/evident a. 明显的,显然的(9)study → survey/investigation n. 调查(10)show → indicate/demonstrate/illustrate v. 表明(11)face → confront v.面临(12)question → issue n.问题(13)customer → shopper/client/consumer/purchaser n.顾客,买主(14)future → prospect n. 前景,希望(15)right → sound a. 合理的,正确的;健康的(16)make → fabricate v. 捏造(17)success → achievement n. 成功,成就(18)poor → needy/underprivileged/impoverished a. 贫困的(19)stop → resist v. 抵制,忍住(20)develop → cultivate/nurture v. 培养(21)necessary → indispensable a. 必不可少的(22)way → mode n. 方式(23)harm → endanger/damage/threaten v. 危害(24)get → obtain/acquire v. 获得,得到(25)solve → settle/resolve v. 解决(26)famous → distinguished/prestigious a. 著名的,有声望的(27)enough → sufficient/adequate/abundant a. 足够的,充足的(28)great → remarkable a. 不同寻常的,非凡的(29)serious → severe a. 严厉的,严重的(30)improve → promote/enhance v. 促进(31)emphasize → highlight/stress v. 强调(32)require → call for 需要(33)widespread → prevalent a. 流行的,普遍的(34)good → positive a. 积极的,明确的/favorable a. 有利的/beneficial a. 有益的(35)bad → dreadful a. 可怕的/unfavorable a. 不利的/adverse a. 不利的,相反的(36)common → shared a. 共享的(37)helpful → beneficial/rewarding a. 有益的(38)want → desire v. 想要,渴望;要求(39)communication → interaction n. 相互作用,相互影响(40)about → regarding/concerning prep. 关于(41)always → invariably ad. 不变地,总是(42)dangerous → perilous/hazardous a. 危险的,冒险的(43)difficult → formidable a. 难对付的,可怕的(44)possible → feasible a. 可行的,可能的(45)so → consequently/accordingly ad. 因此,结果,所以2、短语替换(1)and → as well as 和,也(2)be surprised at → be amazed at 对......感到惊讶(3)be sure to → be bound to 注定(4)explain → account for 解释(5)enjoy → be crazy about 疯狂,着迷,喜欢(6)watch → keep an eye on 盯着,监视,留意(7)most of → the majority of 大部分(8)come from → stem/derive/originate from 来自,起源于(9)more and more people → people in growing numbers 越来越多的人(10)generally speaking → it goes without saying that...... 不用说(11)be more important than → carry more weight than 比......更重要,更有分量(12)many → a host/multitude/sea of 大量的(13)some → a slice of 一片,一份/quite a few 不少,相当多(14)think → have the idea that/hold the view that/take the attitude that 认为(15)get many benefits → reap huge fruits 收获丰硕的果实(16)in my opinion → for my part/from my own perspective 在我看来(17)for example/instance → to name only a few 举几个例子/as an example 例如(18)remember → bear in mind that 记住(19)pay attention to → pour attention into 把注意力倾注在(20)cause → give rise to/lead to/result in/trigger 导致,引起(21)attract ones attention → capture ones attention 吸引某人的注意力二、闪光句背诵除了掌握上面常用的闪光词汇之外,小伙伴们还需要掌握写作必备的一些常用句型。在考研英语写作中,句子的表达是关键。丰富的句型和多变的句式会令你的作文脱颖而出,令阅卷老师眼前一亮。注:S 主语,V 谓语,O 宾语1、It is universally acknowledged + that 从句世人所公认的事实是......2、The reason + why 从句 +is + that 从句......的原因是......3、a. + as + S + be,S + V虽然......4、So + a. + be + S +that 从句如此......以至于......5、The + ~er + S + V,the + ~er+ S + V.The + more +a. + S + V,the + more +a. + S + V.越......越......6、There is no denying + that 从句不可否认......7、There is no doubt + that 从句毫无疑问......8、An advantage of ... is + that 从句......的优点是......9、By + v ing,...can...借着.....能够......10、... enable + O + to + v.......使......能够......11、On no account can we + V我们绝对不能......12、It is time + S + 过去式该是......的时候了13、It is conceivable + that 从句可想而知14、It is obvious/apparent +that 从句很显然......15、That is the reason why...那就是......的原因16、It pays to +v.......是值得的17、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式过去......以来,一直......18、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式自从......一直......19、...have both advantages and disadvantages.......既有利又有弊。20、The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.利远远大于弊。21、The former...the latter...前者......后者......22、sth. has aroused wide public concern./sth. has drawn great public attention.......引起了广泛关注。23、It is commonly believed that...人们普遍认为......24、It seems to sb. that...在某人看来......好像25、It is reported that...据报道26、It is estimated that...据估计27、When it comes to...当说到......28、keep pace/abreast with the latest development of...跟上.....的最新发展29、widen ones horizon/broaden ones vision 开阔眼界30、give priority to sth. 优先考虑......31、pose a great threat to...对......造成一大威胁32、be closely related to... 与......息息相关33、do ones utmost to + v. 尽全力去做......34、play an important role/part in 在......中扮演重要角色/起重要作用35、spare no effort to + v. 不遗余力地做......36、bring home to + sb. +sth. 让......明白......37、compared with.../in comparison with 与......比较38、be committed/devoted to...致力于/投身于......39、...leave much to be desired. ......令人不满意。40、be forced/compelled/obliged + to + v. 不得不......暂时就列举以上这些闪光词、句,大家可以背诵积累。但要注意的是,一篇作文不要全是闪光词、句,可以闪光词和简单词交叉使用,闪光句和简单句交叉使用,这样才能相得益彰,否则文章盈满则亏。



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