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要10篇英语作文 80字

2020-09-29 05:55:01

My best friend

People often say,"A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情."I think so,too.I have a friend called Jack.He id my best friend.He is 16 years old.He likes playing computer games and reading novels.He is very helpful and warm hearted.Last Monday it was rainy.However,I had left my umbrella in my home.I was very worried and helpless.Suddenly,Jack ran to me.He lent his umbrella to me.He said his home was not far from school and it wouldnt be a matter.He went home without his umbrella.I was very moved.

The book I like

Books are our best friends.I have many kinds of books,such as comic books,story books and so on.The comic book I like most is Doraemon.I think Doraemon is a very lovely and clever robot cat.I love reading Doraemon in my spare time.The story book I like most is 《Jane eyre》.It is a moving story.I love it very much.They are the books I like

The person I admire

The person I admire most is my mother.So I want to tellyou something about my mother.My mother often says,"A lazy youth,a lousy age."I think so,too.When my mother was young,education was not very good.Most of her classmates went to work after living middle school.But my mother thought she had little knowledge,so she went on studing.She studied very hard.At first,she was poor at study.But she never gave up.Finally,she became successful.Now,she is a senior engineer.From my mothers story,I know that I should be hardworking when I am young.

A story during my trip

It was a story happened last month,when I was on my way to Beijing(或者改成其他地名.I took a train and the train was silent.A man came in the train when it stopped at a railway station.He sang and danced.He spoke loudly.He made a lot of noise and borke the silence.Everyone around hime was very angry about hime.Finally,he got off the train.A peron told him that hehadleft somthing on the train.The man went back to the train with a lot of bags.Helooked for the thing he lost for a long time but he found nothing.So he asked the person about it.The person said,"You have left a bad impression."

This story tells us,we should be polite in public.

Summer holiday

Soon,the summer holiday will come.During the summer holiday,I will get up early everyday to read Enlish texts.I alsoplan to learn to ride a bicycle this the summer holiday.In addition,I want to go to Sanya with my parents.I want to go swimming there.I think it must be very interesting.Before going there,I want to finish my homework first.This summer holiday must be very interesting.

My future

Everyone may has his own imagination about future.So do I.After three years,I think I will be taller than now.I must be more handsomebeautiful.I will be cleverer.I will also have a good job .My dream job is doctor because I want to help more people.I may be a very famous and successful doctor.I will have my own family as well.I am very hopeful about my future.

The earth is crying

owadays,more and more natural disastersoccurin every corner of the world.I think it is very dreadful.In the past few years,we have do a lot of damage to the environment.We cut a lot of trees to make paper or furniture.We drive cars instead of walking.It let out a lot of CO2 into the air.It causes the Green House Effect.As a student,I thinkwe must stop damage the environment and find some ways to save the earth now.In my opinion,we should plant more trees.It can absorb CO2.We shouldwalk instead of taking a taxi.It is good for our environment.It can also make us healthy.In conclusion,If we keep destroying it,there will be more natural disasters.So,we must try our best to save the earth.The earth is crying.

How to learn Enlish

Nowadays,English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. However,learning English is not very easy,we must have good ways if we want to learn it well.Here are some ways to improeve our English.Firstly,we should listen to our English teacher carefully in class.Secondly,we must finish our homework by ourselves after school.In addition,we should read more English articles in our spare time.It can improve our English quickly.Of course,we should remember more new words.English is very important to us,so we have good ways to learn it well.

Working hard

As we all know,working hard and keeping fit are both very important.Lin tao is a student.His habit was not good.He didnt go to bed until it was late.And he didnt take part in sports activities.He used to fall ill and didnt study hard.However,now,he has changed a lot.He has enough exercise.He is in good health.And he works very hard.From the story,we know health is the basic in ones life.We should try our best to keep fit.

My favourite teacher

In my opinion,a good teacher should not only be good at teaching,but also always be helpful.Mrs Huang is that kind of teacher.She teaches us English.She is a middle aged woman.She is of average height and weight.She looks very lovely.When she is at work,she is very careful.When I have some quesions,she always help me patiently.Her class is very living.She usually help us learn new knowledge by playing games.I think she is a patient and helpful teacher.And without any doubt,she is my favourite teacher.

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