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2020-09-29 06:15:01

考研英语大作文 知乎公众号:娜塔莎的小口袋,口袋里有关于成长,有关于温暖~??

关注考研英语大作文5 个月前 · 来自专栏




1.The column graph provides some interesting data regarding+图表内容。2.To be specific+具体描述。柱状图:column graph/bar chart

饼状图:pie chart

折线图:line chart



1.A glance at the bar chart reveal 图表内容

2.This is a line chart which describes the general trend of+名词

3.It goes without saying that the chart reflects 名词

4.They given table offers a glimpse of 图表内容


To be specific,in the past ...years has witnessed趋势1(增加或减少)in 事物Meanwhile/On the contrary,事物2 has/have experienced趋势二+时间from...to/during the same period /in the first ...years and then 趋势3+时间in the following...years

举个例子:To be specific,in the past 8 years has witnessed steady increase in developed countries.On the contrary,developing countries have experienced surge increase from 2000 to 2008.2010年英语二大作文)


Specifically, the percentage of 事物1 is the biggest 数字1. It is followed by 事物2 +数字2,while that of 事物3 is relatively smaller compared with 事物1,which accounts for around 数字3.



1.There are two fundamental factors contributing to this phenomenon.2.The primary factors lies in 原因一/背景一,Secondly,原因二/背景二。


1.To account for this phenomenon,people have come up with a variety of reasons.

2.Considering the significance of the present situation,it is necessary to point out the causes behind it.


上例子:science never has all the answers.But science can provide us with the guide to the future,and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide.这句话超级无敌好用,什么类型的都能写,把科学换成文化,环境,读书任何主题词就可以(大白话翻译:科学不是万能的,但没有科学是万万不能的。)

再来:Reading can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy,and can lesson our pain when we are sad and lonely.Reading can also help people relax and unwind.Reading can savor a wide range of experiences,increases our knowledge and skills,broadens our horizon and widens our circle of friends.

万能模板句:读书(替换关键词即可)可以在高兴是增加满足感,伤心是减少痛苦。读书 帮助人放松心情,品尝广泛经历,增加知识和技术,扩展我们的视野,扩大交际圈。


好的事件:With regard to this social tendency.I believe it is inspiring and positive.It is imperative that we should take actions to advocate this phenomenon. As this trend is still in its infancy,we believe it will no doubt go further and read to future prospect.

坏的事件:With regard to this social tendency.I believe it is unfavorable and negative.It is imperative that we should take actions to curb this phenomenon. Unfortunately,it is likely to reshape our politics,our culture,and the character of our society for years.(提建议的地方具体问题具体分析,此句不是万能模板)

双刃剑:To sum up,事物 it just like a double edged sword.We might bear in mind that it can exert both positive and negative influences on our society.However,we can avoid those undesirable effects,when making full use of it.


The column graph provides some interesting data regarding mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries and developed countries.To be specific,in the past 8 years has witnessed steady increase in developed countries.On the contrary,developing countries have experienced surge increase from 2000 to 2008.

To account for this phenomenon,people have come up with a variety of reasons.To begin with,the rapid economic growth has given rise to a higher standard of living.Secondly,science never has all the answers.But science can provide us with the guide to the future,and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide.

With regard to this social tendency.I believe it is inspiring and positive.It is imperative that we should take actions to advocate this phenomenon. As this trend is still in its infancy,we believe it will no doubt go further and lead to future prospect.



编辑于 2019 10 30文章被以下专栏收录以帮助同学们为第一准则,同学们看的时候也要结合自己实际情况学习。关注专栏还没有评论写下你的评论…


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