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国家功臣值得我们学习的优良品质英语作文 关于国家功臣值得我们学习的优良品质的英语

2020-09-29 06:35:01


Yuan Longping, 90, known as the “father of hybrid rice”,plays a crucial role in helping China achieve food security. Every morning what he does first is go to the field and works as a farmer . When asked how much his shirt was, he told the reporter that it was 35 yuan.

Deng Jiaxian, the Founding Father of China s A Bomb and H Bomb, was the founder and promoter of China s nuclear weapon cause. However, it was not until he died that his parents! and many of his friends realized that he had produced such extraordinary achievements.

Li Junxian, without whom it would have been impossible for us to send the rocket into space, is one of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In 2018, this 90 year old party member, donated 3 million yuan to set up the Doctor Innovation Fund and the Hardship Assistance Fund.






One’s value lies in what difference he has made to the world, of which the typical examples are Yuan Longping, Deng Jiaxian, Li Junxian with only the well being of Chinese in mind.

Clearly, from these scientists we can feel the unbelievable power of good qualities. First, their devotion to their causes and simple lifestyles dwarf the mundane pursuit of fame and wealth, demonstrating that life deserves more than just being, but also poetry and dreamland. Second, it is their strong belief that encourages them to remain true to their original aspiration for the sake of the whole Chinese.

But I am especially impressed by their patriotism and loyalty, which makes them a beacon of hope for those in dark times. Shouldn’t we feel shame for our complaint about our country once faced with frustrations? Their action does remind us that do not ask what the country can do for us but ask what we can do for the country.


Three greatest heroes, just as listed above, have made considerable achievements in their life, and they always care about the prosperity of China and the well being of the Chinese people.

Many good qualities are embodied in these heroes and they do deserve respect from all of us. One common quality is that they are diligent and down to earth, which best demonstrates that Chinese people are a hardworking people. Of course, there are many other qualities we can learn from them, for example, happiness of the people always tops the list in their dictionary, and the interests of our country outweighs their own personal ones.

What impresses me most is that Yuan Longping lives a simple but meaningful life. More often than not he wears a cheap shirt when going to work in the fields. By contrast, too many teenagers nowadays take it for granted to ask their parents to buy them famous brands without hesitation. Personally, we should follow heroes in their footsteps, applying ourselves to study, helping others selflessly. Only by setting noble ambitions can we become promising and make contributions to our country.


国家功臣值得我们学习的优良品质英语作文 关于国家功臣值得我们学习的优良品质的英语作文



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