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描写温州的英语作文说写关于温州天气的 一年四季的句子嗯 不用太长的.

2020-09-29 10:00:02

Wenzhou for the mid subtropical monsoon climate zone, marked the turn of summer and winter monsoon, moderate temperatures, four seasons, abundant rainfall. The average annual temperature 17.3 19.4 degrees Celsius, in January the average temperature 4.9 9.9 degrees Celsius, in July the average temperature 26.7 29.6 degrees Celsius. No winter cold, summer without heat. At the annual precipitation between 1113 2494 mm. There is the rainy spring and summer months ,7 9 there is a tropical cyclone, frost free period is 241 326 days. The annual number of sunshine hours in 1442 2264. . 温州为中亚热带季风气候区,冬夏季风交替显著,温度适中,四季分明,雨量充沛.年平均气温17.3 19.4摄氏度,1月份平均气温4.9 9.9摄氏度,7月份平均气温26.7 29.6摄氏度.冬无严寒,夏无酷暑. 年降水量在1113 2494毫米之间.春夏之交有梅雨,7 9月间有热带气旋,无霜期为241 326天.全年日照数在1442 2264小时之间. .



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