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2020-10-12 12:45:01

大学生英语日记200字三篇2018 10 09 13:54:00 无忧考网导语英语日记要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,既可以放在日期前面,也可放在其后面,星期可省略不写。如下是无忧考网为大家准备的文章,供您参考。 篇一 My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the my country. However, to become a good citizen is not an easy thing. He has many duties to fulfill.The first duty of a good citizen is to love his country. He is to must be ready to sacrifice even his own life for the country.His second duty is to obey the law and help the government to maintain order. If everybody can do so, the country will be rich and strong powerful.

我的志向是做一个好公民以便能给国家效力。然而,做一个好公民不是一件容易的事情。他有许多责任要尽。一个好公民第一件责任是爱他的国家。他须准备为国家牺牲自己的生命。他第二件责任是服从法律并且帮助政府维持治安。如果人人都能这样做的话,国家必定富强。 篇二 A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them. Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world. To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones. Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends. We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart. On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping company with bad people.


我们必须和凡是具有良好品格和心地善良的人交朋友。反过来说,我们应尽力避免结交坏人。 篇三 Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer, but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life. They meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the beautiful things in her life. I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girls life. The topic of the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens, even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day. People need to find the beauty of life, so they wont life live without meaning.




未来的雄安新区作文 创新作文800 五年级作文读后感400字 工作文章 我和谁过一天作文 适合五年级写的作文 作文春天来了 诚信的我作文400字 二年级同步作文上册 五年级探险作文范文 被温暖照亮作文 海河作文 家长会后作文300字 美丽的校园作文400字 星海广场作文 厨艺高超的妈妈作文 九龙公园作文400字 作文人物传记 写人作文600 游成都作文 我的同学作文四百字 作文五大要素 成长中的烦恼作文 书信作文 我的爸爸作文350字 作文集 我想成为孙悟空作文 并列式作文范文 感恩的心作文500 初中生作文要求