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2020-10-12 14:15:01

作文「社区的英语作文」共有 5445 个字,其中有 893 个汉字,4250 个英文,44 个数字,258 个标点符号。作者佚名,请您欣赏。玛雅作文网荟萃众多优秀学生作文,如果想要浏览更多相关作文,请使用网站顶部的作文搜索引擎进行搜索。本站作文虽然不乏优秀之作,但仅为同学们学习交流的习作,不能当作范文使用,希望对同学们有所帮助。



假如上周日你参加了长江社区的Yard Sale活动。请给你们学校校刊上的English Club栏目写一篇关于此次活动的介绍。要点如下:1有200多人参加了此次活动;2有的人出售旧物如:衣服、玩具、自行车等;3有的人出售自制的蛋糕、卡片、书签等;4还有的人交换旧书;5请写一至两点你对此次活动的看法。注意:1词数60—80 ,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数;2文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。不要逐条翻译。参考词汇:Changjiang Community n .长江社区 exchange v. 交换 used adj旧的

Possible Version:共78字It was fine last Sunday. I went to the Yard Sale in Changjiang Community. More than 200 people took part in the activity .Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes. Others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by themselves. Used books could be exchanged in the yard, too. I enjoyed myself there. In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make full use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.

第2篇:e度社区大塞初中组+ Internet and our life(来自:二十中学 徐海鸥 )

It is said that the 21st century is the Information Age. Now Internet is very popular. It is playing a important role in our life.It can help me with my study. Ican find out some things and know some things on the computer with Internet. When I feel tired, Ican look some interesting story or listen to the music on the computer with Internet.If I am stress out ,I can play the computer games,for example,QQ games,dread games , lie fallow games.And when I come up against problem and I couldnt get on well with my parents. I can talk with my friends on the QQ, and then tell me about thiss solution. After these conversation,I feel really relaxed and very happy.

In a word, I think Internet make my life difficult. We have it,we can communicate with all over the world.We can have lots of foreign friends. Internet can widen our view,too. So Internet and our life undivided.

第3篇:我所住的社区The Community Which I Live

I live in a city, since I was small, our family moved to a community, I have lived in the community for about ten years. I spend my childhood here, I make many friends, I get to know all the children here. I am so happy to live in the community, people here just like a big family. In the morning, the old like to dance and walk in the community, while the young do some jogging. In the afternoon, kids play together after school. At night, most people go out in the square after dinner, they share the things happened on that day, people laugh happily. The community is a big home for me, I know everyone here, it is a paradise.


第4篇:Community Service社区服务英语作文


请你按照图片顺序,以 Community Service 为题,向学校英文校刊投稿,介绍这次活动情况。





3.参考词汇:sports facilities体育设施

Community Service

During the winter vacation, the students in our class joined in a meaningful activity in which all of us did our bit for the community.

One Joozones possible version:

Community Service

During the winter vacation, the students in our class joined in a meaningful activity in which all of us did our bit for the community.

Fist we went to visit an old lady who lived all alone. While we were in her home, one of us chatted with her and the rest helped do a thorough cleaning. We swept the floor and dusted the table. When the work was done, the house looked really neat and tidy then we went to the sports center, where different sports facilities needed polishing. We set out to work at once. In no time everything was dust free. To make the environment clean, we also picked up the litter on the grass and along the paths. As the Spring Festival was around the corner, we put up New Year decorations on the billboard and a poster with the characters Happy Chinese New Year on it. From Joozone.com.

Having done all these, we saw a more pleasant community. Tired as we were, we felt happy as all of our work paid off.



Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

For example,I can surf the internet to learn more information about the world. And I can make more friends on it. I can also talk with my teacher or my classmates some problem afterclass。

However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and cant put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you cant live without Internet.

So we must be careful when we use the Internet.


Much of modern communication is done through the Internet as it transmits all kinds of information. Teenagers compose a major group of the Internet users, as we use it to research for papers, chat with friends and read e mails.Obviously, we use the Internet because we need it. We need the quick access to information and knowledge. We need to communicate with our friends via QQ or Skype. We need the convenience that the cyberspace offers.Now we can save our time buying things through the Internet, but we lose the chance to talk with people face to face. And what we only get is spending more time on the Internet! It numbed our feelings. I don’t suppose an emoticon is better than a real smile, or a real hug. Because we human beings are made of flesh, not mental.




请根据以下提纲用英语写一篇日记:1、周日作为志愿者来到社区教授英语;2、课前认真备课,但感到有些紧张;3、居民们学得很用心、很有收获;4、我的感受 要求:字迹工整,100词左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:居民 resident

二、参考范文June 4th , Sunday Sunny

Today I went to our community to teach our neighbors some everyday English.

The residents who came to our lesson were mainly middle aged or elderly men and women who had little knowledge in English. In order to be a qualified teacher, I got myself fully prepared. I picked out some

frequently used English expressions when meeting foreign guests. Before the class began, I felt quite nervous. But to my surprise, my lesson was a great success!

Although what I taught was not easy for my audience, they did try their best to read after me and practice a lot. In the end, some of them even could make a short conversation! How amazing! I was quite satisfied with my volunteering work today.

中文翻译由 作文地带 joozone.com提供,谢谢大家




虽然对于这些 学生 来说,我教的这些有点难,但是他们在我上完课后,还尽己所能的去练念。有的甚至可以作简短的对话啦,很是惊人!我很满意我今天的志愿服务工作。



关于教师节作文 学习方法作文500字 藏在我心中的秘密作文 他是什么样的人作文 开学啦作文100字 满分作文五百字 那一次我真高兴作文500字 形容小狗的作文 心得作文500字 关于直播的作文 天气作文100个字 作文老师我想对您说450字 小学语文作文教学设计 小毕考作文 作文今天发生的事 作文素材爱国 我的特长作文100字 表达谢意的作文 踏青作文 跳绳比赛作文350字 写作文有哪些手法 生命的意义作文800 作文题目我的 有关阅读的作文800字 与父母闹矛盾的作文 象征作文300 写动物的作文200 假如我是一条鱼作文 好一个秋作文 我心中的抗日英雄作文