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中国梦 Chinese Dream

2020-10-12 14:25:01

Today, the world is learning mandarin. According to the report, there are over one hundred million foreign people learning Chinese. Whats more, a lot of foreign companies are having their workers master not only Chinese language, but also the culture. Chinese dream influences so many people, which provides great business chances and let the young people realize their dreams. Just as the successful person said, the 19th century belonged to the UK, 20th century belonged to America and the 21th century surely belonged to China, whether people liked it or not. We need to master the chance and equip ourselves with many skills, so that success will come at hand.如今,全世界都在学习普通话,据报告,有超过一亿外国人在学习中文。而且,很多外资公司让他们的员工不仅要掌握中国语言,还有其文化。中国梦影响了很多人,它提供了巨大的商业机会,让年轻人实现梦想。就像成功人士说的那样,不管人们喜不喜欢,19世纪属于英国,20世纪属于美国,21世纪无疑属于中国。我们需要抓住机会,配备多种技能,这样成功就会在眼前。 查看全文



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