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2020-10-12 14:30:01

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of building trust between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

老师王菲参考范文Without a doubt, a mutually trusted relation between a teacher and a student is important for both learning and teaching.First of all, knowledge is objective, but learning is relatively subjective. Only when a student believe in what his or her teacher is teaching, he or she could start to learn something from the teacher. In reality, I have seen too many students like or dislike one subject only because they like or dislike the teacher who is in charge of that subject, especially for those who are young. Secondly, when one teacher consider that one student trust him, he would feel honored and satisfied, thereby giving more attention to the student. Naturally, when one teacher pay more attention to one student, the student is prone to learn better. I was one example to illustrate that, for I did very well in physics in middle high school because my physics teacher believe that I was the most talented student who followed him.Hence, both teachers and students should work together to form a reciprocal relation.

及格分版Trust is the glue that binds relationships, which is also significant in the relationship between teachers and students. Things that harm this kind of trust may bring serious consequences to both sides included.First of all, learning is quite personal. In real life, we often see that if a student doesn’t trust his teachers, he may lose interest in that subject and perform badly later. On the other hand, if a teacher doesn’t trust his students, their feeling may get hurt and this would in turn affect their academic performances. Secondly, the loss of trust could also influence a teacher’s life. For example, he will find it hard to teach and manage the class. And this will later affect his passions of teaching and work performances.From what’s been discussed above, we can easily see that a good relationship is crucial to both sides. And a good relationship between them is also vital for the whole society. Therefore, we must all help to build a trustful teacher student relationship.



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