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My Dream Home

2020-10-12 14:30:01

My Dream Home

作者:胡小宇时间:2018 06 03 09:06:39

My dream home is near the sea and the beach.It isn t big.There s the beach and the sea in front of my house.I can play volleyball there with my friends.I can go swimming in the sea.I like swimming very much.

On the ground floor,there s a big living room.I can watch TV in it.There s a kitchen,too.There s always more than enough food there.

I have my own bedroom,bathroom and study on the first floor.In the bedroom,there s a comfortable bed,a desk and a chair.In the study,there are many books and a new computer.In my free time,I can reading there.It makes me feel great.I also like playing computer games and listening to music.It is great fun!

Do you like my dream home?



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