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2020-10-12 14:35:01

Some people think that journalists should report negative news, their opinions are that, firtly, negative news are the real truths, and truth should be given to people. And secondly, negative news, on some level, can educate people and make people introspect. Howere, other people consider is undesirable for journalists to report something negative. They think negative news are often very bloody, cruel(残酷的), abominable(反感的)and negatively effect. In my opinion, negative news should be baned禁止)to children, and limitative to adults. Because I think some of such news do educate people and maybe some times they can cancel someones bad idea which is still in his/her mind. I dont think some of the news are necessary such as the hanging of Sadarm, which is too ruthless残忍的 and political. We have no business with that, if we have, its just about the war and the peace. In a word, negative news should be classed(分类,限制).麻烦采纳,谢谢!



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