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高一英语模块四作文预测 精选范文

2020-10-12 15:05:01

高一英语模块四作文预测 精选范文 高一英语模块四作文预测 精选范文 高一英语模块四作文预测 Book4unit1 考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 汉斯是一个有成就的人。他的一生都奉献给了无家可归的儿童,他的行为赢得了所有人的尊重。最近,汉斯被邀请在哈佛大学毕业典礼上发表演讲。汉斯说, 照顾孩子是平凡的工作,但是不要瞧不起平凡的工作。一旦开始做一件事情,你就必须坚持下去,否则你将一事无成。只有当你 60 岁回首往事时,你才会意识到你是否已经全力以赴,也只有当你能够说你已经全力以赴时,你才会对你的一生感到满足。  答案:Hans is a man of achievement. He has devoted all his life to homeless children and his behaviour has won respect of all. Recently, Hans was asked to deliver a speech on the graduation in Harvard University. He said, Caring for children is an ordinary job, but don,t look down upon ordinary jobs. Once you begin to do something, you must keep on with it, otherwise you will never achieve anything. Only when you are sixty and looking back on your life will you realize whether you have done your best. And only when you can say you have tried your best will you be content with your life.  Book4unit2 考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 中国的农民曾经过着很艰苦的生活,并一直受着饥饿的困扰。几十年来,他们努力寻找能够提高粮食产量的方法,但收效甚微。现在,情况有了改变。多亏了袁博士的杂交水稻研究,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。这意味着世界 22%的人口摆脱了饥饿。大多数农民都很满意现在的生活,宁愿呆在农村当农民。 Farmers in China used to live a hard life and was always disturbed by hunger. For decades, they struggled to search for ways to increase rice harvests, but without success. Now, things have changed. Thanks to Dr.Yuan,s research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before, which means 22% of the world,s people have got rid of hunger. Most of the farmers say they are now quite satisfied with their life and would much rather be a farmer in the countryside. Book4unit3 .考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 这个故事是以 1929 年大萧条为背景的。当时,美国的经济全面瘫痪,格林夫妇和许许多多的人一样都失业了,他们因此比以前更潦倒。似乎每个人都在找工作。格林先生好不容易得到一个面试机会。在去面试的途中他虽然遭遇了大雨,他还是设法及时赶到了面试场地。当公司经理看到浑身湿透的格林先生时,当即给他一个工作。格林先生是如此高兴,以致没有认出经理就是他的老同学。 The story is set in the Great Depression in 1929.The economy in the United States broke down completely at that time and the Greens, like many other Americans, were out of work. Therefore they were even worse off than ever. It seemed that everybody was searching for jobs. With great difficulty , Mr.Green seized a chance for an interview. Although he was caught in the heavy rain on his way to the interview, he did manage to get to the spot on time. The manager offered him a job immediately when she saw Mr.Green was all wet. Mr.Green was so glad that he didn,t recognize the manager, who was his former classmate. Book4unit4 .考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 身体语言是与人交流的一种方法。然而,并非所有的人都可以用同一种身体语言进行交流。有着不同文化背景的人们对彼此的手势很有可能产生误会。比如,我们向某人点头时表示我们同意他的观点,但在有些国家点头表示的是反对;我们认为交谈时正视别人表示我们在认真倾听,但在有些地区却意味着敌视。即使在同一个国家的不同地区也会有不同的身体语言。因此,如果你身在国外,了解当地的身体语言是非常重要的。 Body language is a way of communication. However, not everybody can use the same body language to communicate with others. People from different cultures may misunderstand the gestures they use. For example, when we nod at somebody we mean we agree with his opinion. But in some countries nodding one,s head means disagreement. We will look at somebody in the eye to show that we are listening to him attentively, while in some districts, it means hostility. People may have different body languages even if they live in the same country. Therefore it is very important for you to have a good understanding of the body languages there if you are in a foreign country. Book4unit5 考点活用用本单元所学的词组、句型翻译下列短文 现在你是在一个恐龙主题公园,公园是按照恐龙生活的时代复制的,因为它是以一种数亿年前就已经灭亡的古老生物 恐龙为主题而设计的。在这里,你可以看到生活在侏罗纪时代不同类型的恐龙。公园里所有的展品都惟妙惟肖,好像所有的恐龙都已复活,所以我可以肯定每个来公园的人不仅会玩得很开心,而且可以学到一些有关恐龙的知识。 Now you are in a dinosaur theme park. The park is modelled after life in the days of dinosaurs because it is based on a kind of old creature, which died out millions of years ago dinosaur. Coming here, you will find varieties of dinosaurs, which lived in the Jurassic. All the exhibits are so vivid that all the dinosaurs seem to have come to life. I m sure that anyone who comes here can not only amuse himself but also learn something about dinosaurs. 荐 无 话 而 说 之 闲 聊 700 字 作 文 荐 为 生 命 着 色 900 字 作 文 荐 或 许 这 个 叫 人 类 350 字 作 文 荐 母 爱 颂 150 字 作 文 荐艺术为谁生100 字作文



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