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英语人教版必修一Unit3 作文

2020-10-12 15:05:01

假设你是李华上个双休日你和你校来自澳大利亚的外教 Barbara 对文化旅游名城嘉兴进行了两日游。请你写一篇游记包括以下内容 1 、星期六早上八点在学校门口见面然后坐公共汽车出发2 、周六游览了南湖 中国共产党的诞生地周日游览了千年古镇西塘3 、期间品尝嘉兴当地小吃4 、周日下午返回5 、这次旅游给你留下了难忘的回忆你期待着下一次的旅行。123China , local snack 80 100the Communist Party of Last weekend, Barbara, my English teacher from Australia, and I paid a two day visit to the city of Jiaxing,which is famous for its beautiful view and wonderful culture. We met at the school gate at eight oclock on Saturday morning. Then we began our trip by bus. On Saturday, we visited the South Lake, the birthplace of the Communist Party of China. And on Sunday we visited Xitang,an ancient town of thousands of years. During our stay in Jiaxing, we ate local snacks, which were delicious to eat. We came back on Sunday afternoon. What a pleasant trip! Im looking forward to the next trip! 假设你是李华上个双休日你和你的朋友小荣和卫斌对四川乐山和峨眉山进行了两日游。请你写一篇游记包括以下内容 1 、 上周你们参加了旅行社组织的乐山 峨眉两日游。2 、周六早上五点从成都乘坐公共汽车出发。3 、周六爬乐山看乐山大佛乐山大佛高大宏伟在佛前拍了照片。4 、周日爬了峨眉山山上的猴子惹人喜爱我们高兴地喂猴子与猴子玩耍。5 、周日晚上坐公车返回成都很累但很难忘。期待下一次的旅行。 参考词汇the Buddha 大佛 , Mount Emei 峨眉山 travel agency 旅行社 travel agent 旅行社职员 / 旅行社代理人 guide 导游 Clear idea Correct grammar Complete passage Beautiful language Beautiful handwriting What is good writing? Last weekend, my friends, Xiaorong and Weibin, and I went on a two day trip to Leshan and Emei organized by a travel agency. At five o clock on Saturday morning, we set off from Chengdu by bus. First, we went to Leshan, where we climbed all the way up the mountain to see the Buddha. Looking up at the Buddha made us feel so small. To our joy, the guide took photos of us standing in front of the Buddha. We really had a good time there. The next day, we climbed Mount Emei, where we met with many lovely wild monkeys. When people came up to them, they were not afraid at all. Therefore, it made us happy feeding and playing with them. On Sunday evening, we went back to Chengdu, tired but happy. The trip was really unforgettable, and I am looking forward to the next trip!

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2021-07-29 04:54水上莱茵[江西省网友]IP:3407963252
  2. 2020-08-14 03:32刘克进[宁夏网友]IP:3407452628
  3. 2019-08-31 02:11半生梵音、夏[福建省网友]IP:1866745612


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