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2020-10-12 17:00:02

Hello,everyone!My name is Xing Xiaoqing.You can call me Cherry.I’m in Class 0506.Li Nan is my best friend.She’s thirteen years old.Her birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen.She lives with her family in Haimen.She’s 1.60 metres tall.She has black hair and she wears glasses.She is very lovely and pretty.She likes eating dumplings,chocolates,peanuts and vegetables.She dislikes pork,sweets and green tea.She loves listening to music.She has lots of CDs.She likes reading and writing.She is the newest member of the Maths Club.She has many hobbies,such as dancing,running and playing computer games.Her favorite hobby is drawing,because she likes all the different colors.It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them.The Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day.She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.We always have fun.We sit under the trees at lunchtime and have a good chat.Sometimes,we buy snacks from the tuck shop.On Sunday,we usually go to the bookshop.We often study together.My best friend is really great!



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