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2020-10-12 17:30:01

七年级下英语期末考试预测作文1.请你写一篇60词左右的宣传小短文,介绍一下深圳的名胜古迹和游乐场所。(Unit 1 P2)请根据提示,写一篇shenzhen is calling的文章。Shenzhen is calling深圳是一个国际化的大城市,他在中国的南部。人们喜欢到深圳去旅游。深圳有许多比如锦绣中华,世界之窗等的旅游景点。深圳是世界最漂亮的城市之一。同时,深圳还以它的风景而出名。欢乐谷,中国民族村和深圳香蜜湖Shenzhen is calling Shenzhen is an international city. It is in southern China. People like to go shopping in Shenzhen. With the world famous attractions such as the Splendid China and the Window of the World, Shenzhen is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Shenzhen is also famous for its beautiful views. Happy Valley, China Folk Culture Village and Honey Lake are all scenic(风景优美的) areas for sightseeing. Why not spread your wings and visit Shenzhen?2.根据你学过的知识,谈谈保护树木的重要性。(Unit 2 P18,P21,P30)课文所学相关内容回顾:Trees reduce sound pollution in cities and make cities more beautiful.To help protect our environment, we should plant more trees and take care of them.Trees make streets more beautiful.Trees make streets less noisy.Trees make our air cooler.Trees make our air purer.Trees make oxygen to keep us alive and healthy.Trees produce useful things like food and paper.Trees help us fight pollution.Trees are in danger.Trees are Important Trees are our friends. They provide us with many useful things, such as wood, paper and food. Trees also take away waste gases and give out oxygen for us to breathe. They cool and clean the air, and we can enjoy breathing the fresh air. Without trees, our life will be difficult. But it is true that(确实) trees are in great danger. People cut down many trees every year. Trees are so important that we should try our best to protect them.3.You are now traveling in Paris. Write a letter with no less than 60 words to one of your good friends and tell him/her about your holiday. 你现在正在巴黎旅游。给你的好朋友写一封不少于60单词的信, 告诉他、她你的假日情况。 (Unit 1 P11)Your letter should include:Tell him/her about what you did yesterday.Tell him/her what you will do tomorrow.Tell him/her where you liveGive more details about your journey.April 15, 2008Dear JohnHello. I arrived in Paris with my family last Saturday by plane. It is really a beautiful city. We are staying at the hotel in the picture. We visited the Eiffel Tower yesterday. It was anexciting building. Tomorrow, we are going to the EuroDisney. I like the cartoon characters(人物角色) in this amusement park游乐园. After that, we will go skiing in the mountain. I’m sure it will be an unforgotten journey.4以“I love my bedroom”为题,写一篇短文,要求将下列词语都用上:right hand corner,opposite, next to, above,left (Unit 3 P42)I love my bedroom I have a nice bedroom and I love it very much. Let’s have a look at it. On the left of the door, you’ll find a bed.Opposite(在…的对面) the bed, there’s a desk with a chair beside it. On the right of the door,there’s a bathroom(浴室). Next to it, you’ll find a cupboard(食橱). In the right hand corner of the room, you’ll find a bridge, and there’s a window above it.5.当火灾发生时,你应该怎么做呢?假设你现在在一家旅馆里,火灾发生了,请根据下面的提示写一篇短文.(Unit 3 P34)1 感觉一下房间的门是否热,如果是热的就…。2 用湿毛巾…。3 打电话给接待处。4 打开窗户,招收示意还有大声喊叫。5 不要与消防员争吵。First, you should feel the door of your room. If it is hot, do not open it. Then wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door. Next, phone the reception desk and tell the clerk your room number. When you hear the fire engine outside, open your window, wave and shout. Remember that do not argue with the fireman.6 保护环境,人人有责,谈谈你怎样使广州更漂亮(Unit 2)Protecting our EnvironmentGuangzhou is a beautiful city and lots of people visit it every year. It is our duty to protect the enviroment and make Guangzhou more beautiful. At first, we should not throw waste things about. We should pick up the rubbish when we see them. Then, we should plant more trees. Finally, it is also important for us to use public transport more often than cars.So everybody, let’s try our best to make Guangzhou more beautiful.7. Write a paragraph on the topic ”Electricity and human beings” with at least 60 words. Your paragraph should include the following points 以“人类与电”为题写一篇不少于60个单词的短文。你的短文中应包含如下的内容:(Unit 4)What is the relationship between electricity and human beings?What roles does electricity play in our daily life?What should we do to use electricity in proper ways?Electricity and human beingsAlmost everyone today uses electricity in one way or another(用这种或那种方式). In streets, electricity can light the roads and buildings. In families, electricity can warm people , heat food and cool it. Radios and televisions use electricity, too.It can work the machines in factories. We must save electricity. We must not turn on more lights than we need. We must turn the lights and fans off when we leave a room. We must close all the windows when we are using the air conditioner. 8. 假如你是森林公园的工作人员,请向游人写几项游园规则.(Unit 4 P58,P59)Rules of our park1.Don t make fire in the forest so that trees and animals can be protected 2.Don t litter. Rubbish, waste paper and plastic bags should be brought by yourself. 3.Please keep the water in the river clean since it is the source of villagers. 4.Please don t hurt animals or dig or pick flowers and grass. 5.Pay attention to your own safety. Wish you have a good time here.9. 以“Our class rules”为题,写一篇文章. (Unit 4 P59)Our class rulesThere are many rules in our class. We must be quiet. We must listen carefully in class. We must keep our classroom clean. We must finish our homework after class. We mustn’t speak loudly in class.We mustn’t sleep in class. We also mustn’t eat or drink in class. After class, we mustn’t run or stand on the desks or chairs. We mustn’t throw rubbish on the floor.10. Jenny is in trouble. She is worried. She hopes that she can get some help. Can you help her? Read her letter and give her some advice.Dear friend I’m going to take some exams next week and I’m really worried about them. My dad works very long hours. So we spend little time together. I miss him. It’s Mum’s birthday next month. I want to buy a gift for her, but I don’t have money.Yours sincerelyJennyDear Jenny I have got your letter. I’m glad that you can tell me about your problems. Don’t worry about your exams. If you have trouble in your study. You’d betterask you teachers and classmates for help. Your father is busy with work. I think that he misses you, too. You can call him. You are such a nice girl to give a gift for your mother. I suggest you make a giftfor her. She will certainly be happy.Best wishes!Alice聚龙教育 中小学个性化课外辅导中心 JuLong Personalized Education Development Center 公司电话 020 28614996 网址:www.gzjljy.com聚龙教育 关注成长每一天



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