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2020-10-15 15:00:03

The Changes of the Society

Society changes as time goes by.If we would like to take a moment to recall what it was like ten years ago,we may surprise ourselves by the changes we have seen.

In the past,cities were of small scale.We could see only a few grand buildings in the city,and the streets were narrow with few cars.The clothes people dressed in were mostly black and white.Service industries were not developed at that time,so you might find it hard to find a restaurant.The houses people lived in were very small.And the transpotation were not ideal then.The trains were slow and the roads were not good enough.

Nowadays,cities become larger with more citizens dressed in all kinds of clothes that you can never imagine.The streets are crowded with cars and high buildings can be seen everywhere.There are all kinds of service provided.And the houses people live in become larger and larger.Many people have their own cars and the trains go faster and the roads become better.

Society is progressing everyday,we cant imagine what it will be like in another ten years.All we have to do is to keep up with its step and keep in touch with the world.





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