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2020-10-16 09:05:01

MY DREAM When I grow up, I want to be a singer, an actor, and an expert at playing the piano. I would like to be a singer because I like to sing, and I can sing really good. I would like to become a really famous singer because if I become really famous, a lot of people would know who I am. I could dance really well too, so thats another addition to why I want to be a singer. I would like to become an actor, because I can act really well. I have been in a lot of plays and skits. The reason why I want to become an expert on the piano is when I was younger, I wanted to play the piano and now I take lessons. Those are myh dreams. I want to accomplish them all. by Taurean MY DREAMS My dream is to be a sinter, fshion designer, and actress. I know it sound impossible, but it is possible. J. Lo/Jennifer Lopez does all that. She has two albums: On the Six and J.Lo. She ws acting as Selena in the movie about the life of th singer who died in 1995 of a gunshot wound. I am pretty good at singing and even better at drawing. I was also chosen to be the drama class. Jennifer Lopez is married and starting a family. I wish to have as good a life as she has. I will achieve my dream by going to Fashion School, and take voice lessons. My father is an artist, so he can give me some pointers. I always act at home, so that should be a snap. This is dream. Elizabeth Marie Mac

以'希望小学'为题写一篇英语作文.1.中国农村许多孩子因贫困而失学2.创办了希望小学3.许多希望小学条件很好 有现代化的教学楼和漂亮的操场.孩子们学习努力 成绩优秀.4.希望更多人来帮作业帮



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