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求写英语作文 Myrurallife我的乡村生活Myrurallife要写你印象中的乡村生活.还有城市

2020-10-16 09:15:01

是一百二十词,左右.Whenever people ask me which is better,living in the countryside or living in the city,I always answer,Neither is better.They are just different.The countryside is slower.Everyday you can wake up with the birds,and sit outside with a cup of hot tea,watching the rest of nature wake up too.The people in the countryside are calmer.They dont face the frantic deadlines that people in the city have,so life is slower.Family is the focus and that is nice.The city is fast paced.There are many pressures,but there are also many opportunities.There is always something new to discover and someone new to meet.Every day presents a fresh chance to make something more of yourself.

求写英语作文 Myrurallife我的乡村生活Myrurallife要写你印象中的乡村生活.还有城市生活与乡村生活的区别.你的选择一百词左右



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