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英语作文一中学班级就生活在城市或乡村问题进行了辩论.下面是部分辩论记录要点 请确

2020-10-16 09:30:01

I Prefer to Live in the Countryside Recently our class had a discussion on“ where you prefer to live,the city or the country”.Some students think that it is better to live in the city,for in the city they have more things to do and can make more money,and the life in the city in more colorful while its boring and too quiet in the country.But the others hold a different view,they prefer to live in the countryside,where there is less pollution and they can enjoy a quiet and healthy life,while its very noisy and crowded in the city. To my mind,I would rather live in the country.I can enjoy so much in the nature which I cant do in the city. 祝楼主更上一层楼

英语作文一中学班级就生活在城市或乡村问题进行了辩论.下面是部分辩论记录要点 请确立你的观点 参照要点 写一篇题为IPrefertoLiveintheCity/theCountryside的短文.字数100词左右.Wheredoyoupref



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