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英语作文 你Li Yuan负责组织一次班级郊游活动 根据以下提示写一份通知

2020-10-16 13:00:01

假定你是桂林一所外国语学校高一(3)班的班长,你校将组织一次郊游活动。请你用英语拟一个口头通知(announcement),须包括以下内容: 1.活动时间:本周六 2.地点:猫儿山 3.内容:登山、中午在山上就餐 4.集合时间:早上七点 5.集合地点:校门口 原创优先~~!!好的话再加50…… 我来帮他解答 图片 符号 编号 排版 地图 您还可以输入9999 个字您提交的参考资料超过50字,请删除参考资料:提交回答 2012 1 18 14:58 满意回答 Attention My dear classmates,Im your dear moniter.I want to tell you about a good new that will make ;you all quite pleasent.There will be a trip this Saturday.On that day,we will go to Cat mountain and eat lunch on it.How comfortable it will be!It is at seven a.m.that we will meet at the school gate. Dont be late.Or you will miss this wonderful chance!Remenber pack your food and something important up ,which is nesessary.Pay more attention to your group while climbing the mountains.Or you will miss.So do it for your safty.Wish you a good trip!Have a happy day!Thank you!



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