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我最喜欢的衣服 My Favorite Clothes

2020-10-16 19:10:01

I.写作目标Writing goal:

写写你最喜欢的衣服Write about your favorite clothesII.分步练习Write step by step

第一步Step one: 回答这些问题Answer these questions

1. What are your favorite clothes?

2. What are they like?

3. Why do you like them?

4. Can you tell us something more?

第二步Step two: 把这些问题的答案连成一段文章Put your answers into an article

Example: I like one of my jackets the most. It is yellow. I look beautiful in it. It is a little small now. But I still wear it often. It is the first jacket I buy for myself.

第三步Step three: 加一些东西丰富你的文章Add something

I like one of my jackets the most. It is yellow. I look beautiful in it. It is a little small now. But I still wear it often. It is the first jacket I buy for myself. My mother says, If you can buy your own clothes, then you are a big girl. I want to grow up. So I buy it for myself.

第四步Step four:学习这些表达法Learn these sentences

I like ... the most.

I look ... in it.

I want to ...

III.开始写作文吧Start writing



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