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英语小作文:Springiscoming按以下三方面写:1.春天来了 树木 花草的变化.2.描写春

2020-10-17 05:15:02

Spring is coming.What a nice season!The weather is getting warmer and warmer.The flowers are coming out.How beautiful the world is!Look around,the sky is blue and the leaves on the trees are turning green.The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh,now everyone takes off his warm coat and is more active than before.We all have good feelings.I must say,be careful not to catch cold again.A good beginning is half done and it’s the first season in the year.We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study.Do you think so?给点悬赏分哦!

英语小作文:Springiscoming按以下三方面写:1.春天来了 树木 花草的变化.2.描写春天来了 气温的变化.3.春天来了 人们都做些什么.中文也要!



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