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2020-10-17 05:45:01

Spring has come, every corner of the Earth is full of the breath of spring. Campus, is full of robust, like everywhere. Willow out has thin of fine willow branches, above prefix Jie has light yellow of leaves; grass with soil of aromatic drill has out, a Plexus Plexus, a clusters clusters, and tender and green flowers also stretch has stretch stretch, playing has a yawn, analysis out has small head; children were are took off has heavy of winter clothing, for Shang has both light and bright of spring clothing; bird were from home fly has out, sing was beautiful of song, told we: spring to has! Spring has really come, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, full of vitality everywhere. Natures color and variety. In the sunny, warm sun in the sunny, warm sun in the body, spring breeze blow on the face of soft, warm and comfortable: rainy, from time to time when fried a Jubilee, both thrilling and stimulating. The scenery is so beautiful in the spring, people feel even more beautiful in spring. Bent for a whole winter back straight, bright smile full of hope. Park and the fun of it, photographing young people, old people fishing, catching insects of children, many reveling in natures embrace, linger on. People are more busy in spring. The saying goes: a young idler, an old beggar. You see, in the streets of the city, and shuttle back and forth a busy figure, village of fields, farmers in sowing seeds sprinkled with hope. New semester schedules are posted on the walls of the classroom, a laptop in new book, a lot of knowledge waiting to pick the fruit. I love spring, I love the smell of aromatic flowers, see trees of green, hear the singing of small black. I love spring, because the spring is full of vitality, is full of new hope!春天来了,大地的每一个角落充满春天的气息。校园,满是强大的,喜欢到处。柳树已经薄细柳树枝,上面的前缀有淡黄色叶子;草地土壤芳香钻出来,一丛,一簇簇,嫩绿色的花也伸展伸展,打了哈欠,分析出有头小;孩子们正在起飞重冬季服装,上有明亮的灯光,春服装;鸟是从家里飞了出来,唱出美丽的歌,告诉我们:春天有!春天真的来了,在池塘里,在外地,在天空中,处处充满生机。大自然的颜色和品种。在阳光,温暖的阳光在阳光充足,温暖的阳光在身,春风扑面柔软,舒适和温暖:雨天,不时炒银禧,既惊险又刺激。景色非常美,让人感觉更加美丽的春天。弯曲对整个冬季背部挺直,灿烂的笑容充满希望。公园和乐趣,拍摄的青年人,老年人钓鱼,捕捉昆虫的儿童,许多陶醉在大自然的怀抱,徘徊。人们更繁忙的春天。俗话说:一个年轻的托辊,一个老乞丐。你看,在城市的街道,和穿梭来回忙碌的身影,村域,农民在播种的种子洒与希望。新的学期时间表张贴在教室的墙上,在一个新的书,很多的知识等待摘水果。我喜欢春天,我喜欢闻花香,看到绿色的树木,听到歌声的黑色小。我喜欢春天,因为春天是充满活力,充满新的希望!



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