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2020-10-17 05:55:02

精选春天英语作文带翻译:春的季节The voice in the north is always late, and now have to march, but still with bare. Yuanwang tall poplars, except a piece of yellow, not again a little life; View, only the roadside a few evergreen tree, with a thick layer of dust, revealing a little green pine.A long winter! No temper, I gathered XunChun pace.First look at the pear tree in the courtyard, on the branches of taupe, take a lot of small bract. What is this? It is the future of flowers and leaves. Them in small breeds of bract, just waiting for a night of spring breeze blowing, stretching, together they give people an unexpected surprise. I seem to see a large variety of a big variety of pear flower blooming, the Snow White, send out a fragrance. Spend the frolicking with a swarm of bees, dance for flowers.Leaned forward, will find traces of winter pieces of yellow. You might sigh: "the grass is really unfortunate!" Yes, looking at the stem broken branches off the grass, who will have a good mood? But, I opened it the yellow jacket, but more novel finding: hey! It is green! The original appearance of yellow grass also gestates beautiful spring!Spring is coming, let our thoughts to fly in this beautiful season!北方的春姑娘总是姗姗来迟,如今三月已至,却还是满目萧然。 远望高大的白杨树,除了一片枯黄外,再也不见一点生机;视野中, 只有道边的几棵长青树,背着一层厚厚的灰尘,露出一点点憔悴的绿。好漫长的冬!耐不住性子的我,迈开了寻春的步伐。 先看看院里的梨树,在灰褐色的枝条上,鼓起了好多小苞。这是 什么呢?原来它就是未来的花朵和树叶。它们在小苞之中孕育着,只 等一夜春风吹过,它们便一起伸展,给人们一个意想不到的惊喜。我 仿佛看到了一大簇一大簇的梨花绽放着,雪白雪白的,散发出阵阵幽 香。花下一大群蜜蜂嬉闹着,为花朵而舞蹈。俯下身子,会发现冬留下的痕迹——一片片的枯黄。也许你会叹 息:“这些小草真是不幸啊!”是的,望着那些茎折枝断的小草,谁 还会有好心情?不过,我剥开它那枯黄的外衣,却有了更新奇的发现: 嘿!里边却是绿的!原来外表枯黄的小草也在孕育着美丽的春天!春天就要到了,让我们的思想在这美好的季节中放飞吧!



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