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介绍日本风景 城市的英语短文200字左右.

2020-10-18 03:35:01

Nagoya Japans major port city.A potential Iraq Bay.Because in Tokyo and Kyoto Xijing between,commonly known as the Beijing.Population 2116000.Nagoya,Aichi is the seat of the county government.Second only to Tokyo,Osaka and Yokohama of Japans fourth largest city.Located in the central parts of western Honshu,endangered Iraq Potential Bay.An area of 328 square kilometers.The city is divided into 16 administrative region.Central District,the geothermal field,as well as its adjacent areas is the town center.Land,sea and air transport hub and business center.The core industrial zone in Beijing,early in the textile industry,ceramics manufacture mainly after developing the automotive,steel,electronics,aircraft,printing,chemical,and other industries.Natural port for the nations third largest trading port and one of the world Chittagong.这是介绍日本的名古屋.over



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