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2020-10-20 22:00:01

真题演练 下面笔者就分别列举具体话题、抽象话题、图表作文和应用文的现象段写作范例,考生可以从范例中体会如何为现象段谋篇布局,同时也可以从中学习一些常用于现象段写作的句式和词汇。 1. 具体话题的现象段写作 2010年12月四级写作的话题为"How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?",首段的汉语提纲为"目前不少父母为孩子包办一切"。根据该汉语提纲,考生应该在首段描写"不少父母喜欢为孩子包办一切"的现象。考生可以首先列举一下该现象涉及的要素:时间为"目前contemporary",地点为"家庭family",人物为"父母parents和孩子children/ kids",动作为"包办do everything/prepare everything",感受为"孩子在父母的关爱下感到舒服comfortable并产生依赖dependent"。 综合这些要素,再根据上文提到的写作思路,考生可以重点从相关人的角度来写作。首先,首句点明中心思想,即"目前很多父母愿意为子女包办一切";接下来考生可以从相关人即孩子的角度来写,即孩子在父母的关爱下感到十分舒服,但是他们也因此变得不独立。之所以提到"不独立",是为了点明本次写作的主题。请参考如下范文。 In contemporary families, it has become a trend for many parents to prepare everything for their children: food, clothes, tuition and even jobs. Meanwhile, an increasing number of children deem it rather comfortable to live under parents protection. However, the children will become dependent because of their parents spoil. 2. 抽象话题的现象段写作 2011年12月四级写作的话题为"Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will",要求考生首先对幽默句子"Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. Ive done it hundreds of times"进行评论,然后再阐述这个写作话题。这个写作话题是抽象的,但考生也可以采用现象段的写法来进行写作,即联系现实生活中的现象来写首段。 首先,考生可以分析一下这一主题所涉及的现象要素,具体包括:人物为"抽烟者smokers、成功人士successful people",动作为"戒烟quit smoking、成功make success或失败fail",感受为"拥有坚强意志力的人容易成功"或"没有坚强意志力的人容易失败"。 从写作要求来看,这次写作可以采用"分 总"的结构来写,即先列举"戒烟难"的现象,然后再评论其中的原因。在评论时,考生可以根据上文的现象构成要素来写,即指出"在竞争中,拥有坚强意志力的人容易成功"的现象。请参考如下范文。 Many smokers find it rather difficult to quit smoking, and they utter a humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. Ive done it hundreds of times." This remark can be naturally associated with the significance of a strong will: if a smoker intends to succeed, it is advisable for him to suffer the pain in quitting smoking with a strong mind. In reality, people with a strong mind tend to make success while those without it tend to fail in todays fierce competition. 3. 图表作文的现象段写作 2012年12月四级写作为图表作文,写作话题为"Education Pays"。"题目要求先简单描述图表,然后再对图表进行评论。 从写作要求来看,考生应该在首段描述图表。该图表反映的是"在2010年的美国,高学历的人往往挣更高的薪水;教育背景差的人工资较低",可见考生也可以采用现象段的方法来写作。该篇作文的现象涉及的要素主要包括:时间为"2010年",相关人为"教育背景较好的人如博士doctors、硕士masters、学士bachelors,教育背景稍差的人people with less education"、相关物为"薪水money/salary"、动作为"挣钱earn/make"。 考生可以从相关人的角度来写。第一句可以总述"图表反映的是不同教育背景的人收入存在差异",然后再分别从"教育程度较高的人"和"教育程度较低的人"的角度来写。请参考如下范文。 The chart reveals that people receiving higher education tend to earn more money. Based on the chart, in 2010, the doctors, masters and bachelors were paid a weekly earnings of $1551, $1272 and $1038 respectively. On the contrary, people with less education found it hard to earn satisfactory and we can notice three examples: the weekly earnings of college graduates with no degree, those with high school diplomas and those with less education are $712, $626 and $444 respectively. 4. 应用文的现象段写作 近年来,应用文写作出现的次数相对较少,然而由于目前四级考试采用多题多卷的形式,笔者认为在以后的考试中也有可能考到应用文。部分应用文写作会涉及现象描述,如2002年1月四级写作考查的话题为"A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus",提纲要求信中内容"涉及食堂饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等"。这一现象涉及的要素主要包括:地点为"食堂canteen",相关人为"学生",相关物为"食堂饭菜质量、价格、环境和服务",感受为"饭菜不新鲜或不好吃not fresh/dont taste good,价格贵,环境不干净,服务不够好"。考生可以从学生的角度来写食堂的饭菜问题。请参考下列范文。 Recently, it has become a trend for many students to complain the canteen service. First, the food sold by the canteen doesnt look fresh or taste good enough. Second, a host of students consider it hard to afford the expensive food. Third, the canteen environment is not as clean and healthy as expected. According to a survey by Students Union, a majority of students admit that they are unsatisfied with canteen service. 结语 综上所述,现象段的写作原则是,从题目要求写作的话题和提到的写作内容要求出发,着重写与现象密切相关的细节信息,抛弃一些空洞而且与题目缺乏联系的模板句子。考生可以学习上述范文中的一些现象描述句式,也可以在日常的阅读和听力文章中学习现象描述的句子。 责任编辑:张婵



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