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This Time Next Year英语作文题如此文艺

2020-10-20 22:00:01

看到2014年中考英语作文this time next year, 脑海中的第一反应是歌神张学友的那首歌曲旋律.仔细想想,这是一篇看似很宽泛很好写,却其实很难在100字内包罗思想,属于 说难不难, 说易不易.


5. This time next year, I will be going on my way to mydream. 1. The joy of graduation from middle school washed awayby time, I will be planning to set new goals in my study in asenior high school and improving my way of learning.

This time next year, I may be away from my parents in aboarding high school. Its necessary for me to learn to live on myown, such as doing some washing and cleaning by myself.

This time next year, I will have many new friends and2.meanwhile, share my news, problems and pains with my oldbuddies.

Anyway,3. after all the ups and downs, I will still becourageous towards every tomorrow, 4.whether this time next yearor forever.


1. 独立主格结构放在第一段,起个粉墨登场的效果.

2. 平时积累的副词可以代替冗长的介词短语

3. 这可是歌词原文, 可不可以算个引用?~哈

4. whether引导的让步状语从句, 增加长句气势,收尾积极向上

5. 前三段使用排比开场, 渲染,渲染再渲染, 谁说作文不散文~



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