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英语作文通知类的作为班长 下周要去世界之窗参观 请你口头通知全班同学.要点如下:1

2020-10-20 22:10:01

Dear classmates, I have a good news to tell you. Next week, we will go to the window of the world visit. Please get a few requirements:The first point is that were in May 1, 2006 at 8 am on Monday at the gate of the school bus set out.The second point is that everyone should pay thirty yuan tickets. Everyone must wear school uniform. Everyone has to bring water and lunch.The third point is the classmates after entering the Windows of the world can be free to visit. Students can also take pictures of freedom.The first four o clock is we will return to school by bus at 6 o clock.Ask the students to get to school on time dont be late

英语作文通知类的作为班长 下周要去世界之窗参观 请你口头通知全班同学.要点如下:1.2006年5月1日星期一上午8点 在学校门口集合乘车出发.2.每人交门票三十元 要求穿校服 自带水和午餐.3.



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