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如何才能写好英语六级写作小弟特别希望可以提高自身的英语六级写作水平 所以希望各位

2020-10-20 22:10:01

My view on university ranking.There has been a wide concern over the issue that, whether should the university be ranked or not? Majority of people claimed that, ranking of the university will not bring any benefits to our next generation, especially to the most talented students. Furthermore, it will also lead us a valued chance to develop our education. Well, if you are studying with the erudite scholar, the better you will be. On the other hand, some of the people might not have such thinking. The public instead of one raised that, university ranking is not a master key to develop the education. Besides, under no circumstance shall we ignore the basic condition of China .In addition , if we did not stop ranking the university , our kids would face the most unprecedented unfairness .For instance, just like a coin, everything has two sides and the ranking of university is not an exception. Instead, it has both advantages and disadvantages. So far as I can see , I firmly committed by the view that the university should be ranked . Whats more, only by taking all the aspects into the consideration, we can find a sensible way to solve this matter.

如何才能写好英语六级写作小弟特别希望可以提高自身的英语六级写作水平 所以希望各位英语高手可以帮小弟一把.感激涕零~以下便是小弟写的一篇作文 希望各位大侠都够帮我“挑挑毛病”



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