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英语作文 主题 乐观面对生活1

2020-10-20 22:45:01

Think positively When I was in high school I always readied to give up when I came to a hard example in mathematics and said I can not solve this question. I thought that I would make a silly mistake and then my classmates would laugh at me, my math teacher would be disappointed with me. In that moment everything seems to be bad. If it not until the day that teacher talked to me about my attitude to life and study it would be worse now. He said Dare to fail. Anybody who s out there genuinely striving is going to fail repeatedly. If you??re not failing, you??re not trying. So don??t take failure too hard or too personally. Just learn to roll with it and use its lessons to keep improving. If you expect something to turn out bad, it probably will. Yes! When you are going downhill you tend to look up down yourself, mistaking difficulties and adversities for your own incompetence. Just like Rich Devos says There is enough good and bad in everyone??s life ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse. So what I should do in that moment is to accept myself and change my attitude to life. I eventually changed. I tried again and again, finally I overcame the mathematics. Failure no longer would be my payment for struggle. Just as nature made no provision for my body Ito tolerate pain, neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure. I accepted it as I accept the wisdom which will guide me out of the shadows into the sunlight of happiness. Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow and develop. The secret of life isn??t what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you. Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them. Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a positive one. Trying to think only of the best, to work only of the best and to expec...



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