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2020-10-20 23:10:01

1.我最好的朋友My best friendI think everyone has a good friend,so am I.My best friends name is Tony.He is a lovely boy.when I meet him,I like speak to him.he always can make me happy.If I am said,I will say with him,then he will make me happy.so I always like talking with him.He is a teacher,He always can turn in brief the complicated problem.he is helpful.If you have hard problem,he will help you to solve it.he also like sport,after school,he like to play Badminton with other person.I also like to play with him,because he will teach me if I don’t understand.From he,I can learn a lots knowledge.Iam a like to learn girl,so I like to follow him.At the same,He becomes my good friend and good teacher in my in the mind.This is one of my good friends.2.谢谢你-我最好的朋友Thank you My Best FriendThree years ago,I was a cool and detached girl.I never helped others or cried,because I thought that was very boring.One day an unusual girl rushed into my life.She looks like a boy and she is also very lovely.She is very cheerful.I always feel she is a "Red Sun".She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.She often helps me and plays with me.We became good friends at once.Since then,I have been sanguine.Now,I am still a happy girl.Im often moved by the world.I think our life is so short,and it isnt easy for people to live in the world.Ive learned to help others and to cry.Ive also learned to be happy and grateful.I also understand that crying doesnt mean "coward",crying can mean "visualize a bright future!"Though she has lots of new friends and I have many too,she will be my best friend forever,because she has taught me a lot… Thank you my best friend!我英语没底子的,不知道这两篇服不符合你的底子!




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