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帮忙写一篇英语作文 150词~漫画作文下图描绘的是目前人们谈论较多的话题:一些司机边

2020-10-20 11:45:01

According to researchers, drive to make or receive handset has four effects: one is distracting the driver, call or answer the phone, the young driver reaction speed is only 70 year old driver, which greatly weakened the ability of accident drivers; two is a mobile phone to a traffic accident risk 4 times higher than usual, as more than 3 fatal traffic accidents because drivers can not concentrate induced; three is driving make or take a mobile phone also can influence other traffic efficiency, and increased road traffic congestion, is not conducive to the smooth road orderly. Fourth, a mobile phone in a moving car, mobile phone may be in order to avoid the area switching too frequent, and specify the large power station covering a wider range of services, its transmit power will be improved by the increasing transmission distance. So I propose, drivers call a penalty of 200 yuan, deduct 2 points for security, for the sake of you and me.看一下,或许对你有帮助.

帮忙写一篇英语作文 150词~漫画作文下图描绘的是目前人们谈论较多的话题:一些司机边开车边接听电话.根据对漫画的理解写一篇短文并发表自己的看法.第一幅图:一个人开了辆车在打电话



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