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2020-10-20 11:50:01

高考写作专题指导 《复合句 特殊句型》 写作技巧 1 规范使用复合句 1.名词性从句 1I wonder whether/if...我想知道是否…… 仿写我想知道你是否愿意接受我的邀请。 I wonder if you are willing to accept my invitation. 2What impressed/surprised/shocked me most was that...最令我印象深 刻/惊讶/震惊的是…… 仿写 1最令我印象深刻的是他们从不丧失信心。 仿写 2最使我惊讶的是她竟敢在这么冷的天游泳。 What impressed me most was that they never lost heart. What surprised me most was that she dared to swim in such cold weather. 3It is important/necessary/strange...that... 重要的/ 必需的/奇怪的…… 是…… 仿写重要的是,我们应该沿着这条河走。 It is important that we should walk along the river. 4That/This/It is why/because...那/这就是为什么/因为…… 仿写 1那便是他如此喜欢这个地方的原因。 That is why he likes the place so much. 仿写 2那就是我认为沿长江旅行是一个较好的选择的原因。 That’s why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice. 5The reason why...is that...……的原因是…… 仿写 1母亲晚饭做得晚的原因是要准备的菜实在太多。 The reason why Mother was late with dinner was that there were so many dishes to prepare. 仿写 2我们喜欢这次经历的原因是它教会了我们只要保持冷静 , 总有办法摆脱任何困境plight。 The reason why we love this experience is that it teaches us there ’s always a way out of plight as long as we stay calm. 6The chances are that...很可能…… 仿写你可能不用付钱。 The chances arethat you won’t have to pay. 7It appears/seemsthat...似乎 仿写似乎这次郊游的安排非常丰富。 It seems that this trip is full of activities. 8Sb holds the belief/view that...某人坚定地持有……这样一种观点。 仿写多数人坚定地持有这样一种观点,即教育能改变人的命运。 Most people hold the view that education can change one’s fate. 2.状语从句 1when/while 当……的时候 仿写 1如果你有任何问题,可以直接找我帮忙。 仿写 2当你做了最后的决定时,请及时告诉我。 Don’t hesitate to ask me for help if you have any questions. When you make the final decision,please let me know in time. 2on condition that... 在……条件/前提下;如果…… 仿写我会把这本书借给你,前提是你不把它弄脏。 I’ll lend this book to you on condition that you keep it clean. 3each/every time 每次,每当…… 仿写每次我们提到那次旅行中有趣的事 ,愉快的笑容布满了妈妈 的脸庞。 Every/Each time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey,a pleasant smile would spread over Mom’s face. 4the first time 第一次 仿写第一次看见你时,我就意识到好像以前在哪里见过你。 The first time I saw you,I realized I seemed to have met you somewhere before. 5as soon as/the moment/the instant/immediately/directly/instantly 一……就…… 仿写我们一听到熟悉的蛙叫声,就知道我们回到了农场。 As soon as we heard the familiar frogs,we knew we were back to the farm house. 6as/so long as 只要 仿写下午,我问保罗叔叔我是否可以骑马,他说可以,只要我父亲和 我一起。 In the afternoon,I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride,and he said yes,as long as my dad went with me. 7providing/provided/suppose/supposing that...如果……;假如…… 仿写假如没有纯净的水,我们喝什么? Supposing that there is no clean water,what shall we drink? 8before 在……之前;还没来得及……就……;……才…… 仿写 1布朗先生来这里之前,已经在一家银行工作一年了。 仿写 2我还没来得及说一句话,他就冲出了房间。 仿写 3你最好在课前进行充分准备。 Mr Brown had worked in a bank for a year before he came here. He rushed out of the room before I could say a word. You’d better make full preparations before class. 9ever since 自从…… 仿写 1格林先生自从三年前来到中国以来 ,就一直在那所学校教 书。 仿写 2自从你来到中国,我还没有机会带你到处参观。 Mr Green has taught in that school since he came to China three years ago. I haven’t got any chance to show you around China since you arrived. 10as 当……的时候;一边……一边……;随着…… 仿写他一边拿着我的马缰绳rein带路,一边保持沉默仔细聆听。 He kept silent and listened very carefully as he took my horse rein and led the way. 3.定语从句 1As you can see in...正如你在……中看到的那样…… 仿写正如你在图画中所看到的那样,外面刮风下雨,而温室里的花 却长势良好。 As you can see in the drawing,it is windy and rainy outside,and yet the flower in the greenhouse is at its best. 2As sb puts it...正如某人所说的那样…… 仿写正如我们教练常说的那样,只要我们坚持,一切皆有可能。 As our coach often puts it,everything is possible if we keep on. 3As we all know.../As is known to all...众所周知…… 仿写 1众所周知,学习英语没有捷径。 仿写 2众所周知,这不仅有意义而且有趣。 As we all know,there are no short cuts to learning English. As we all know,it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. 4which 引导非限制性定语从句,意为“这……” 仿写 我已经决定于星期三上午 8 点在 1 号教学楼 101 室教你唐诗, 学习活动将持续两个小时。 I’ve decided to teach you Tang poetry in Roo m 101 Building 1 at 8 am on Wednesday,which will last two hours. 5one of the+复数名词+定语从句 ……中的一个 仿写这是我今年组织的有趣的旅行之一。 This is one of the fun trips that I have organized this year. 6the only one of the+复数名词+定语从句 ……中唯一的一个 仿写玛丽是这些最年轻的姑娘中唯一一个参加乐队伴奏的。 Mary is the only one of the youngest girls who plays in the band. 7such...as...像……这样的;诸如此类的 仿写他并不像看上去的那样愚蠢。 He’s not such a fool as he looks. 8the same...as.../the same as...和……一样的 仿写她知道,他的感受和她的一样。 She knew he felt just the same as she did.写作技巧 2 高调使用特殊句式 1.强调句型 1It is/was+被强调部分+that.. 仿写 1有价值的不是故事本身,而是故事所反映的内容。 仿写 2至关重要的是遵守这些规则的人们。 It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story that counts. It is the people who obey the rules that matter. 2It is/was not until...that... 仿写直到那个时候,我才意识到我们已经迷路了。 It is the people who obey the rules that matter. 3主语+动词+特殊疑问词+it is/was+that+其他 仿写 1我想知道到底是什么让你如此高兴。 I wonder what it is that makes you so happy. 仿写 2他不知道到底是谁给了他那么多钱。 He did not know who it was that gave him so much money. 4强调谓语时,借助于“do/does/did+动词原形” 仿写我真的希望可以成为一名优秀的志愿者。 I do hope that I can become an excellent volunteer. 5Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+其他? 仿写他是因为生病才没有来吗? Is it because he is ill that he can’t come? 6特殊疑问词+is/was it+that+其他? 仿写昨天你为什么没来开会? Why was it that you did not attend the meeting yesterday? 2.倒装句 1Only+状语/状语从句+部分倒装 只有…… 仿写 1 只有当我们更多地为别人考虑的时候,我们才能创造一个和 谐的环境。 仿写 2只有真正融入immersed中国文化中才能学好汉语。 Only when we think more for others can we create a harmonious environment. Only when you are truly immersed in the Chinese culture can you master the Chinese language. 2not only...but also...不仅……还…… 仿写 1他不仅是一位教师,还是一位诗人。 仿写 2两个周的交流不仅帮助我们中国学生对英语文化有了更好 的理解,它还使我们成了好朋友。 Not only is he a teacher,but also he is a poet. Not only has the two week communication helped us Chinese students have a better understanding about English culture,it also has made us become good friends. 3not until...直到……才…… 仿写直到失去了健康,我们才明白它的价值。 Not until we lose our health do we realize its value. 4as 尽管…… 仿写 1 尽管他可能是个沉默寡言的学生,但课下谈论喜爱的歌手时, 他却话很多。 Quiet student as he may be,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. 仿写 2尽管母亲很害怕,但她还是决定在路边搭个帐篷等待父亲。 Scared as Mum was,she decided to camp near the road waiting for Dad. 5so+形容词/副词+that...如此……以至于…… 仿写 1母亲是如此健忘以至于她在我们睡着的时候把父亲落在了 加油站。 仿写 2天气太冷,我们只好待在家里。 Mum was so forgetful that she left Dad in the gas station when we were sleeping. So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 6hardly...when.../no sooner...than...一……就…… 仿写 1我们一到那里,就把这项活动分成了三个部分。 仿写 2兔子一出现,我的马就受到了惊吓,快速跑走了。 Hardly had we arrived there when we divided this activity into three parts. No sooner had the rabbit appeared,my horse got such a fright that it ran off at a high speed. 7were/should/had 如果…… 仿写 1如果我是你,我就不会那样做。 仿写 2要是你工作努力的话,你早就完成了。 Were I you,I wouldn’t do that. Had you worked hard,you would have finished it early. 8up/down/in/out/now/then/next...+全部倒装 仿写 1有一会儿什么也没发生,然后传来了大家的喊叫声。 仿写 2接着到了我让他们自己尝试的时刻了。 For a moment nothing happened.Then came voices all shouting together. Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves. 9in front of/at the foot of...+全部倒装 仿写一座古老的寺庙屹立在山脚下,呈现出一番新景象。 At the foot of the mountain stands an old temple,which takes on a new look.



四年级作文小猫 什么的爱作文600字 写种植物的作文 最有趣的一堂课作文 写老师的作文600 同学的肖像作文200字 你好初中作文600字 弘扬优秀传统文化作文 幸福就在身边的作文 我的期待作文 从来不曾忘记作文 微笑着面对失败作文 关于灵山大佛的作文 改过自新的作文 越长大越孤单作文 童年的趣事作文200字 黄山奇石作文200字 小学作文秋天来了 身边的感动500字作文 关于清明节的作文400字 禁毒作文三年级 三年级作文唠叨的妈妈 英语作文广告模板 关于漫画的作文400字 英语作文议论文 小学生看图作文 学校跑步作文 去海边玩的作文300字 童话类作文 英文邮件作文