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2010级 大学英语 四级口语 看图说话

2020-10-20 12:30:01

Picture 1A woman was walking her dog in the park. She ate a banana and threw the skin on the ground. Suddenly, her dog ran away. What would he do? He caught the banana skin and threw it in the rubbish bin.After seeing her dog’s behavior; the woman was very shameful of what she had done. The banana skins make the earth dirty. Pleasealways remember to put rubbish in the rubbish bins. Foreveryone should learn to fight pollution. Picture 2A man was on his way home, at the corner of the street,he saw a ball was on a tree and there was a little boy under the tree. Thenhe threw his umbrella to the ball. The boy got his ball and went back home happily whilethe man was unhappy because his umbrella was on the tree.

Picture 3On a fine Sunday afternoon, Tom was playing in the garden. Suddenly, he saw a little boy fall down. The boy was crying so he sent him back home. The boys mother was very angry at Tom because she thought it was Toms fault. But the little boy told his mother the truth. Then the mother said sorry to Tom.

Picture 4On a Saturdaymorning, Amy went shopping with her mother. When her mother was buying some fruit, Amy walked away alone. After a while, Amyrealized that she was lost and she was so scared that she burst intocrying. At the same time, themother was also worried about her child.Finally,with the help of the police,Amy found her mother. Picture 5It was raining hard yesterday. Rose went home by bike. Suddenly she fell off her bike and hurt her leg because of the bad weather. At that time, a policeman saw this and helped her. He stopped a taxi and sent her to a hospital at once. In the hospital the doctor looked her over carefully and asked her to take some medicine. It was nothing serious. Rose was thankful to the doctor and the policeman. We hope that she will be better soon.

Picture 6Mrs. Wang is forty years old and she was too fat. She often felt tired even when she went upstairs. She had to see a doctor. The doctor looked her over and told her there was nothing wrong with her. The doctor told her to do more sports and drank enough water every day. From then on, Mrs. Wang kept doing sports every day.Graduallyshe gets much thinner and healthier. She doesn’t feel tired at all. Doing sports is good for our health. We should do enough sports to keep healthy.

Picture 7The four pictures show us some fire rules. If you go to a place, make sure you know the location of the fire exit. When you find a fire, remember to call 119. The firemen can help you. If there is much smoke, you should lie down on the floor. Dont forget to wet some towels and cover your nose and mouth with them.

Picture 8One day, Tom was walking along the street. Suddenly, he found something in the sewer.Then he bowed and watched it with curiosity. Soon, another two children came and they were interested in what Tom was looking at. So they looked at the sewer by the side of Tom. After a while, more people were curious about what they watched and joined them. At last, When Tom stopped watching it ,he was very surprised because there were so many people looking at the sewerby his side.

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