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“世界那么大 我想去看看”创新英语作文2016韶关二模语文作文英文版

2020-10-20 12:40:01

A letter of resignation went viral on social media and got thewhole nation talking recently. This poetically brief letter,written by Gu Shaoqiang, a female teacher from Henan,states:“Theworld is so big; I want to see it.”Manypeople have since applauded the simple yet overwhelmingly resonantmessage, saying that it spoke out the minds of millions who feelthey have been trapped in a dull and routine life and want to haveit dramatically changed.True as it is that almost everybody at some point has dreamed of anextraordinary and different life, the majority of people in societyhave to put up with the less than glamorous surroundings andsituations far from satisfactory. Given all that, whatever theteacher may be able to achieve with her life, the courage to seekchanges and pursue her unfulfilled dream is to bepraised.

That being said, personally, I still see her act of quitting a jobas a typical case which should not be followed. We cannot fail tosee the seemingly impractical purpose set out in the resignationletter and“seeingthe world”isnot good enough an excuse to give up one’sordinary life along with its duties and commitments. This kind ofirresponsible attitude could actually be a bad example for youngpeople. Life is not as simple as what it looks like. The bravery tofollow one’sheart and dream alone may not guarantee any meaningful result thatyou expect, but very likely turns out to be a total disappointment.To boldly chase one’sdream, one needs years of plan and preparations, not just oneimpulsive decision.(282words)附:2016级高三韶关二模作文评析(转)



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