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科技与创新英语作文诗歌有关科技与创新的英语文章和诗歌.用来做手抄报的 不用很高水

2020-10-20 12:45:01

The Internet in My LifeAccording to a report from the Digital Future Project in the U.S.,the overall Internet access has risen to its highest level in the last four years;about three quarters of Americans go online.The number of hours online continues to increase rising to an average of 12.5 hours per week the highest level in the study so far.What do people do online?Both very experienced users and new users spent by far the largest percentage of their time online dealing with e mails,followed by general Web browsing,work at home for their jobs,reading news,etc.In terms of who are online,the report reveals that three quarters of the Internet users are aged 55 and under.Are you an Internet user?If yes,how long are you online each week?How do you connect the Internet?What do you gain by using it?If not,why not?What do you miss by not using it?这个你看行吗?希望被采纳,

科技与创新英语作文诗歌有关科技与创新的英语文章和诗歌.用来做手抄报的 不用很高水平 初中的就可以了.急用!好答案迫加50分~



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