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学生对老师的评价 Students’ Evaluation On Teachers

2020-10-20 13:45:01

There is no doubt that all the teachers will spare no effort to teach students, but sometimes they just don’t realize what they give to students is no working all the time. Now the schools have carried out the police that students need to give evaluation to the teachers, in my opinion, this policy is good, teachers can know more about themselves.毫无疑问,所有的教师都会不留余力地教学生,但是有时候他们没有意识到教授给学生的不一定都有用。如今学校都执行了学生要给教师进行评价的政策,在我看来,这样的政策是好的,教师可以更加了解他们自己。When students make commence about the teachers, teachers can know how the students think about them in the class. Students are the main anticipants, they have the right to make judgment, teachers are not in the dominant place, what they do should put the students in the first place.当学生对教师进行评论的时候,教师可以了解到学生在课堂上是如何看待他们的。学生是主要的参与者,他们有权利进行判断,教师不是处在领导的地位,他们所做的应该以学生为出发点。When the teachers know how the students react about their teaching methods, they can make some adjustion and do better in the following. As teachers, of course they will think they are teaching well, but for most students, they will think what the teachers said is boring. So only when the students give reaction to the teachers will the teacher know they need to make some changes.当教师了解学生对于他们的教学方法是如何看待时,他们可以做些调整,以便在接下来做得更好,但是对于大部分学生来说,他们会觉得教师所说的很无聊。因此只有当学生给予教师反馈,教师才会知道需要做些调整。Students’ evaluation on teachers is very helpful in improving the teaching quality.学生对教师的评价非常有助于改善教学质量。 查看全文



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