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2020-10-20 13:50:01




Dancing is a popular pastime to many people all over the world. Way back to past centuries,and even today, tribal people engage in dancing as a form of worship or as a part of aceremony in a celebration. On such occasions, dancing can be very solemn. In modern times,dancing appeals to different people for different reasons.

Young people often include dancing in parties or at other social gatherings. It seems to be anincentive for them to gather. They look forward to dancing into the night during partieswithout feeling fatigue.

To the elderly, the steps in dancing are reduced with a slower tempo in the music. Theygather in community centers to learn folk dance and, at the same time, to know one anotherin such informal interactions.

Personally, I doubt the effectiveness of dancing as a major role in keeping ones body healthyand in good shape. Activities such as jogging, swimming and playing games are more effectivefor attaining good health. They can burn off calories in our bodies and develop our muscles. Tome, there are more meaningful and effective ways to keep fit.


本文是一篇简单的议论文。全文不长却谈到了古今的跳舞、年轻人和老年人的跳舞, 同是跳舞但各有区别。最后作者表示对跳舞能增进健康的说法持有异议, 认为还是搞别的运动为好。


pastime n. 娱乐, 消遣

way back to past centuries 追溯到以前的世纪

tribal people 部落人

worship n. 尊敬, 崇拜

ceremony n. 仪式

solemn a. 庄严的, 肃穆的

social gathering 社交集会

incentive n. 鼓励

fatigue n. 疲倦

tempo n. 节奏

community center 社区中心

folk dance 民族舞

effectiveness n. 有效性

major role in... ……中的主要作用

keep ones body healthy and in good shape增进健康保持体型

jogging n . 跑步




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