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2020-10-20 14:00:01

In China, how do the young people choose their jobs? 在中国,年轻人如何选择他们自己的工作? Today Ill talk about the factors that affect finding a job. 今天,我将谈论影响找工作的因素。 I will graduate soon, so I am so busy finding my future job, at first, I have no idea what kind of job I should take, I want to live near home, so I can see my parents often, whats more, I also want to find the job which is stable and permanent.我很快就要毕业了,因此我现在忙于找工作,刚开始,我不知 道自己应该从事什么样的工作,我想要住得离家近点,这样我就能经 常看到父母,而且,我也想要找到一份稳定并且长期的工作。There are many factors that affect people to find a job, the location and the stability are the most common factors.影响人们找工作的因素有很多,地理位置和稳定性是最常见的 因素。People are willing to find the job which is near home, so they can visit their parents now and then and wont be feeling lonely.人们愿意找一份离家很近的工作,这样他们就能时而不时地看 看父母,不会感到孤单。Working far away from home deviates people from their parents, they will homesick, when they feel frustrated, there is no way for them to get comfort from parents.远离家乡的工作让人们离父母也远,他们会想念家,当他们感 到沮丧的时候,无法从父母那里得到安慰。Home is always the harbor for people to get comfort.家是人们永远的避风港湾。The stability is another important factor for people to considerate.稳定性是人们考虑的另外一个重要的因素。People dont want to change their jobs often, so they want to find the job which can work for a lifetime, even though the money is not that much, the sense of stability comforts people. 人们不想要经常换工作,所以他们想要找一份能够从事一生的 工作,虽然钱挣得不多,稳定感能给他们带来欣慰。I take both factors when I find a job, no matter where I go, I always put my family in the first place.当我找工作的时候,我两样因素都考虑,无论我去哪里,我总 是把家庭放在第一位。

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